A fragment of imagination with the infinite possibilities of what it could be.
This is my little blog.
I could write something deep but honestly I don't feel like doing much.
I'm lax but very festive so i doubt you'll hate me!
And Remember Opinions are Opinions.
I will post stories on here as well so keep a lookout!

I realized I never really explained who I am.
Lets get down to the basics.
I'm 14 and I love the colors Red, Black and purple. Yellow is way to happy for me and Mac and Cheese tastes like barf (along with Lasagna)
I like the ingredients but they tastes crappy together. (Maybe its the noodle shape cuz that can really affect a meal)
If you read my posts you'll figure out more about me
Sorry for the queer Intro but you get the point....

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My Friend Has Returned!

So MustachePillow,a really awesome friend from school,had joined theO a long time ago. She's back! Finally she is into this and is actually posting and all! So Subscribers! Welcome her! And you'll see she is a pretty interesting character!


Shoes I need

This is the only time I will obsess over shoes ...

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I just keep forgetting its tomorrow! ...

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New world!

Caution! New worl in creation! Persona 4!!!!!
cuz yeah. I'm just that into it.

or wait... could it be Blue Exorcist????!!!!

You decide! My coin keeps landing straight up!

Quiz I stole! XD

Nationality quiz! Yay! Taken from Wakusei Aoshi, the one with the awesome music world Cheer! ● B R I T I S H ○● [x] You drink a lot of tea. [x] Foggy weather is great. [ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life....

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