A fragment of imagination with the infinite possibilities of what it could be.
This is my little blog.
I could write something deep but honestly I don't feel like doing much.
I'm lax but very festive so i doubt you'll hate me!
And Remember Opinions are Opinions.
I will post stories on here as well so keep a lookout!

I realized I never really explained who I am.
Lets get down to the basics.
I'm 14 and I love the colors Red, Black and purple. Yellow is way to happy for me and Mac and Cheese tastes like barf (along with Lasagna)
I like the ingredients but they tastes crappy together. (Maybe its the noodle shape cuz that can really affect a meal)
If you read my posts you'll figure out more about me
Sorry for the queer Intro but you get the point....

External Image

Hey guess what?

Hey guess what?
I'm sick again! YAy.....
this sucks. I can't think straight at all!

I had a sectional today from 2:30 to 4.
We did about 1/3 of it talking about band and what goes on....
Competition on saturday!
Can't wait!

You guys are awesome!


I am a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL.
In 6th grade I got a letter from Washington University in St. Louis (They think I have my brother's last name)and then for a while I didn't get one.
Now I got one from Christopher Newport University and I'm freaking out because it is close to Busch Gardens!!!!
I could ride Verbolten everyday!
but no. This college looks pretty good and with small classes, actual teachers, and lots of languages and music, I might just go after I graduate!
But I AM a freshman so I will have to wait a while...
(They still gave me my brother's name... I have no idea how I got on their lists anyways!)
about 50% of all the classes have about 19 students or less. 5000 students!
Newport News is a good place too. Its really close to Virginia beach so i keep thinking about it. Plus I could still visit my parents since its just a state over.

Well again that's four days away.

I cooked dinner for the first time! Pasta! And my mom said it was Good! She said I did a really good job!

I have to cut this short!



So this is my second time baking brownies and wow.
They actually look like brownies this time.
I guess the first time I really did accidentally double the water.
Mmmmm they look good.

I can't wait to try them!

An Old Coca Cola Ad

An Old Coca Cola ad caught my attention... Is that baby America? ...

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Yes she is back and she has a D grayman world like my Hetalia one.