So My friends got me to watch kamigami no asobi and I, I have no words to describe this.
Although it is reverse harem, it is pretty good (If you like that stuff.)
It's pretty silly and has a cheesy way of adding love in.
I have to say I am actually a sucker for it and I can't wait to watch more...
once the fourth episode comes out and I actually take a break from homestuck.
Anyways... So I showed my cousins 50% off (On youtube)
Happy Easter to all of you!
And if you want to know where I was over the break well...
three day vacation and reading homestuck.
I sent my friends and email of this:

He be trollin'
I have been playing on minecraft all day. There is this server called Hive and I have been obsessed with it! I love block Party! Seeing people have the floor drop from under them is hilarious! Okay and one more thing (Besides a twin skin)
Is it common to great fellow attack on titan fans with the phrase "Kill all titans?"
Well my skin is Annie! Shouldn't there be something wrong with that?!
Funny, Someone kept cheering for me and said "Shingeki no Kyogin FTW!" constantly. I ended up winning the game. haha lucky me. XD
(Tomorrow me and my name-sake friend will be Rin and Len (I am Len)
I found this download of the skins and here it was a folder full of all of them! This will be epic!)

So now I am on spring break and I finished all my needed homework...yesterday.
I have a 103% grade in my math class but I still want to do the extra credit. (It makes everyone mad at me!)
I've basically have just been watching abridges all the time and amvs.
Well that and I made chocolate bunny butts and heads yesterday. I had to quite (Not just because i kept eating the chocolate hehe...) because when me and my mom were making the carrots I was on a roll and she was not.
She couldn't make to green leaves as fast as I could make the body of the carrot.
Speaking of green leaves, The trees are all blooming and starting to grow leaves again! Mother nature finally realized it is spring!!!
So I've outgrown my bed and now I am getting the one in the spare room. I now have so much space to sprawl out on!
I'm not sure if they just moved my bed (I have to check) but I just finished vacuuming up where my bed used to be (not to mention clean up what was there and move my desk to the other side of my room)
When I found out about this my dad said because of my ap grade I won't get my bed back until I raise it. Then he said that my mom and him were going to clean up from under my bed with a shovel. haha I wish.
This is going to take up alot of space in my room. It's the second smallest (First place goes to *drum roll* the spare bedroom!) My brothers is bigger then mine! I have two dressers because they are really small, my closet was given two doors, and I have way to many pictures up on my wall. (I'm running out of room!)
It just has such a small feeling but It's cozy so I'm fine with it.
(When i was typing out my name I accidentally put Larzy....just one letter away from Lazy)