Alright its been two days and i suvived but there is tension in the air even though there is no drama yet. I'm preparing for the worst though.
Hey here is a picture of something my friend drew. I only edited it a little for you to see it better.

I have to go back to school tomorrow!
Luckily I'm now in Eighth grade so next year I wont have to be in this lousy school. I'll also be able to access a HUGE library and all the manga It can provide me. plus all the annoying people will be gone and I can quite soccer! Though I love to play soccer it is just interfering with my sleep and creative time. Some of the girls are jerks and I don't want to play with the boys because there a distraction weather they're ugly or hot i always feel like i have to impress them!
This year my coach is the same as last year. Likes to make us run, likes to win, and when doing demonstrations likes to get into peoples personal space.
He placed me back on defense(he asked hoping that I would play it again even though he knew the answer from the start) but even though I'm uncomfortable in the middle of the field at any position he placed me with another girl to switch back and forth form center and sweeper.
WOWWW. This was supposed to be me complaining to the world about school but now it went to soccer.
The last day of freedom really gets to you.
Oh and by the way this will be interfering with my story. i'll probably type it up when I'm not watching anime, reading new chapters of manga, and playing video games.

Ello [and yes i am still stalling but this time i have a reason: People have invaded my house. And by people i mean relatives and by relatives i mean i have tp be social with them so no typing for me!] Im quite depressed because i entered a contest and after a while many great ecards were entered. I would be more confident if i found the perfect picture that i knew was out there. It fit perfectly!
I shouldnt complain.
soooo.... how are you? (and yes i am just trying to have a conversation here [and no not to have an excuse to stall])!!!
Alrighty then! Because I refuse to post my story I'm going to go and post some of the poems i made in history class! Yayyyyyy......
Because I never really learned any...
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I like to stall with things and I found an anime and so now my story won't be typed up for a long time now. On the bright side every time I move my mouse I get a new email from my friends! XD
Bad news though.
I still havent figured out a name for my character! At least I don't need it yet.
You creative people out there: I command you to think of something for me!!!!!