
I don't know why i keep thinking about things I will find out about later in my life but I keep on thinking someone or SOMETHING is by me.
My couch is reflecting in the window but its still creepy to me. Honestly this couch has been where all the problems started really. I thought my mom was going down the stairs a couple nights ago because I heard and saw her clearly (although it did happen fast). I knew it wasn't my cat because she always is downstairs and was behind me. anywho, I swore I saw her move to behind the couch and duck down to grab something or something. I thought it was her and said "Mom?....Hey. Mom!?" I said it while moving to look to look behind the couch but she wasn't there. Right when i realized it my dad opened up the door to bring in the pizza and scared the crap out of me. i didn't hear him open the garage and I am right next to it.
Szzzeeeez That actually gives me a new idea for my story. paper. too. far. away.
