Schools out and Hey!

Taken (Stolen) from ButterflyKiss and TheDarkEclipse

1: What is your #1 favorite anime? HETALIA!!!!!

2: Has an anime ever made you cry? Chrono Crusade

3: Which anime made you laugh the hardest? Hetalia... XD

4: If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be? What's a spin-off? Is it a parody? Then it would be... um... Death Note maybe?

5: List your top 5 anime's Hetalia, Fruits Basket, Fairy Tail, D. Greyman, and Soul Eater

6: List your top 5 anime OSTs ...WTF is an OST? (TDE's words but my thoughts exactly)

7: Have you ever watched an entire anime in one sitting? Yes...
8: Who is your favorite anime character? ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA!!! and then some... (Iceland)(They be my bros!)

9: Name an anime character you absolutely hate Arystar Krory is that how you spell his name? Hallarious but I could do without him... That and Miranda...

10: What is your favorite 'moe' anime? Does Ouran Host Club count?

11: What is your favorite drama anime? blehhhhhh don't know.

12: What is your favorite romance anime? Pssssh IDK

13: What is your favorite comedy anime? HETALIA!!

14: What is your favorite action anime? Soul Eater or does D. Greyman count?

15: What is your favorite harem anime? ???

16: What is your favorite ecchi anime? ???

17: What is your favorite mech anime? ???

18: What is your favorite drama anime? See question 11 for another stupid answer...

19: What is your favorite slice of life anime? All! JK I'm not sure I've ever watched them.

20: What is your favorite adventure anime? ALL!...

21: What is the first anime you ever saw? Pokemon. Best. Show. Ever.
22: You get to have a harem of [6] anime characters of your choice, who do you choose? What's Harem? Why do I have to be so stupid??? Never mind I don't think I wanna know...

23: What is the most times you've re-watched an anime? Hetalia. I've watched over and over and over and over and over again. I'm Obsessed and proud!

24: Name [1] anime you wish everyone would watch Hetalia! my non-anime friends think its weird and stupid but I know one of them watches it!

25: What is an anime you regret watching? Chrono Crusade! i cried like crazy and I never cry!

26: You get to have [1] anime character as your wife/husband in real life, who do you choose? This is such a hard question! hmmm.... Either Prussia or Spain.

27: Which anime character are you most like? It Varies...

28: Do you watch a new anime because you think it will be good, or because its popular? If my friends drag me into it? Then yes... XD

29: Has an anime's fanbase ever made you hesitant to watch an anime? No.

30: How many anime episodes is 'ideal' for you? Depends on how much time I got or how much i like it. Prolonging this is good but can also ruin a show. Fairy Tail on the other hand should be even longer!

31: Have you ever watched an anime with over 23 episodes? Hell Yeah!

32: If you could make a game for an anime of your choice, what would it be and why? Hetalia because I can obsess even more over it. Like HetaOni! Continue it!!!!

33: Would you ever watch an anime with over 100 episodes? Hell Yeah!!!!

34: Have you ever watched an anime only because you liked a specific character? See above for answer.

35: Have you ever dropped an anime, if so why? High School of the dead, Death Note, Black Butler... And the list goes on. Why? Ain't got the time. That and the first one was scaring me because of multiple reasons and I didn't feel like watching the second one because I already read the manga a million times.

36: In your opinion, what makes a good anime? Great music, characters, plot(maybe) attractive characters, and of course I like comedy thrown into it.

37: Name a popular anime you love Fairy Tail

38: Name a popular anime you hate Naruto

39: Is there an anime you wish was more popular? Hetalia. EVERYONE needs to know of its awesomeness. XD

40: Thoughts on live-action adaptations? They shouldn't add the animations. It makes it look really stupid. Like the ones for Prince of tennis and Ouran Host Club. I mean really.

Psssssshhhhhhh. That was fun!
Thanks for the borrowed quiz!
Now to go buy a dictionary and pocky!
