Screwing with my teachers

I do enough to make my teachers happy. (except the 89 in Spanish didn't bump up to a 90) Yet I am a minimalist.
I hate doing this aloud so one day when my teacher for spanish asked me if I wanted to do question whatever, I said no. I said it in a way like No, why would I do that? Everyone laughed because it was unlike me. I didn't have to do it. XD it made my day.

Now I have to do this children's storybook for biology.
Yes every kid wants to learn about biology crap.
So now I'm gonna write it like it's for a 5 year old. (I wanted to write it like a dick and jane book:
This is Cell membrane.
He is a gate.
See Cell Membrane open.
See Cell membrane let out all the shits I give about this project.
Good cell membrane.)
