All of you are my Valentines. Yaaaaaaay!
time to sit at home and continue my 5? day weekend! Jeez. Because of snow, the pep band couldn't play at the house revealing on thursday so my chances of being on tv again are gone. (I still don't know why they chose my band. Where we better? or just closer than others? Is it because of marching band? or the fact that our band is excellent?)
It all sucks but I mean, I have rune factory 4 to keep me company...
I stayed up till 3 something in the morning playing it and you know what got me mad? I would have beat leon the first time if I didn't die when I killed him! Really!? I couln't leave! Gaaahhh! So I tried it a second time and when the same thing happened I came up with the plan to just use magic when he was on his last leg. It worked. I was able to distance myself and defeat him! Now I have to regain some friends and you know... its rune factory... Today is valentine's day... I have level 13 throwing skill and 26 level love. XD
why hello there mr. birdy... do you want to help me flirt?