Ok so I finally get to write this even though I'm STILL lacking sleep...Here goes!
Organizing? Sucked even worse. They kept thwarting us at every move...You'd think that after five years of organizing this thing they would've learned a thing or two, but apparently they didn't.
Everything else? SUPERB! I met lots of new and awesome people and had a lot of fun, which was the ultimate goal. We performed our short play ( despite having to improvise at the last minute because of the people I wrote about above ^ ) and the crowd loved us and we loved them just as much. Before we went out there we were nervous and kept tripping on our lines but once we stepped out there and the audience cheered and applauded us, it all went away. Nervousness, anxiety, poof! All gone. It was an amazing moment for both of us since we had both been in acting groups before. The feeling of being on stage again? Indescribable.
I admit, at first we were so disappointed by the organizers that we said we weren't coming again next year. But after Sunday, that changed completely. The people we found there surprised us in a good way and we realized what our true goal had been all along. Everyone was so nice and friendly that it was almost unbelievable. And the cosplayers...I'm speechless there. Every single one of them worked hard for their costumes and plays and put a lot of effort into their representations. And every single one of them had superb performances. Even though not all of them were awarded, they deserved every bit of applause and respect they got.
Am I going back next year? Of course I am ;)