A heart that isn't cold.

Theres a new post in Restless Words. Its the first part of the story Im writing.....Shores of Edlyn.

Please go check it out. Im open to all criticism and compliments. Dont be scared to voice your opinions. I want to know where I could improve on my writings. And I will personally thank you for all that you say.... but dont get too out of hand...don't be such an.... A Jerk.

However, you may find that its nealry perfect the way it is...

Keep in mind, its yuri-based. Its written in first person by a girl. No, I dont mean a girl wrote the story.... Its simply her story shes telling...in the present.

Now to begin part 2, or volume 2 as I like to say. Though, it might prove to be a challenge for me. I dont want to create a problem for the story...but all stories have some kind of problem..so I guess its only natural. Then again, has the problem already risen in part 1? OOOooo, who knows...only time will tell.

Shores of Edlyn

Hello again. I feel its been a while since I've made a post. I have been having some trouble getting onto theO. The link keeps breaking. :(

Anyway, I have recently just started my first fanfic. Its not based off of any anime. Its completely original. However, its yuri-based and it gets lenghty. So far, its going really well. When I first started it, I had no story line in mind. But after the first few words, it came to me. No, I wont discuss those matters here. You'll soon find out...eventually. ^-^ I will tell you this....drama, thematic elements, mild fanservice, and romance is what to be expected. Maybe if it gets some kudos, I can eventually find an artist and take the next step. I actually think it might just be that good. And I don't make foolish assumptions so easily. :) I already have an idea of the artwork I would like to see for this.

You will find this work of mine posted in my Restless Words world....Eventually.

In other news, I pretty much had the greatest dream last night. Its been a while since Ive had any dreams. Im glad the first one in a while wasn't a nightmare.

Well, for now, peace.
Oh yeah, enjoy the video.


I love my shoes. They are full black Converse with piano key shoelaces. But thats not that focus of this post. This post is gonna be short for a change.

Anyway, my shoes were tied. however one became untied all on its own. I bend down to tie it. The other was already tied but I untied it and then retied it. I go back to the other shoe and untie it and then retie it. And at last, I go back to the other shoe and untie and retie it once more. In total, each shoed was retied twice.

I consider this to have been my good luck ritual for the past few hours. Currently its 10:22 pm on July 05, 2009. Around 5:40 earlier tonight, was when I went about in tieing my shoes. Originally, I was only delaying and being somewhat humorous.

It only makes sense that we each have our own little good luck 'charm' so to speak.

I really have no idea where Im going with this.

Anyway, I said this post will be short... but its getting lenghty.

In short, today was the best day ever... they just keep getting better.

I love you Jessie.

How the heck did I get so lucky in life?

My life is so close to completion. Then what? This world does not belong to me. I only want to stay close... ...forever.


Ive been really down these past few days. I kinda knew this would happen and wouldn't be able to go to Otakon. Once again, I break a promise. Never again.
There might be a chance I still go, but I highly doubt it.

However, Im in rather a good mood. Knowing my love isn't mad at me is all that matters. I was so worried.

Random question: Why must time take its time?

Moving on, I've been having internet problems latley. Something is wrong with my network. Im typing a long post and I go to hit submit and the following page doesn't load. and all of my writing goes bye byes.

Bye bye. OH! here you go...enjoi!

Promise of a Lifetime [END]

We now return to our feature presentation.

I know not what the world expects of me in this life. I only know that I am to live life to the fullest. I'm not worried about becoming rich or famous. I only want to live with no regrets and with whom I love. I only see reason in that lving that way. Without out, what am I here for? Even still, why am I here? I'm not worried about that. Perhaps there is no definite answer, so why worry? My purpose is simple. I am to cherish every second with Her, love every beat of life we share together, and to unite our souls to become one...never to to be broken. We teenagers are always saying to ourselves that this is it, we are perfect, I love him/her forever. Next thing you know, your whole world becomes trash. And you'll cry and close yourself off from others. Days later, your back to normal and you practically start over again...saying the same thing.

This is different. I have a secret. It allows me to know perfection and to see it. It allows me never to make a decision I might think I will regret later on.
This secret does not have a name, but only holds the truth. One more thing about this secret of mine... I am the secret. Crazy? Perhaps. But Im only human. We are all this secret. But no one ever thinks like that. That is why they screw up so much and end up feeling destroyed.

A time may come where all may seem wrong. But that time will not occur to me. A baby who never once cried or was unusually quiet, is perfect. Yet, perfection is not the baby. The secret I have spoke of is the reason why my life is nearly complete. I no more, will have to find answers, will have feel connected, and will have to wonder where my half meets the other. Making such a promise to myself is risky, only if Im unsure. This is the final promise. The only promise. Am I crazy? Theres no need to act crazy. I love her with all of my heart indeed. I would willingly allow her to take my heart out and fill it with her breath and then place it back with her breath contained. When death comes for us, it will be as one. There is no reason to fear the end.
I vow to never leave her side. She is perfect. Whatever makes her happy, shall be done.

This is what I dream. This is my reality. This is our lifetime.


...Title TBA soon!