I'm not in the mood to write a bunch so I'll make this short.
Within the next day or two, my laptop might get taking away from me. And before you ask 'WHY?', I guess its because in all reality its not really mine. I got it from this place where you can make weekly payments on it til it gets payed-off. I know, it sucks. And besides that, my parents are the ones who make the payments. So yeahhh...
The reason for this is not because of any kind of financial situation that my family is in. Apparently, the reason is me. Theres ALOT of drama going on in my household right now. And apparently my life is ruined if I don't attend college this upcoming semester. Yeah, thats what its all about. If my laptop gets taking away, think of me as on vacation. I won't be on for a very long time. There is another computer in the house, but I wont be allowed to use it. Thats already been said.
I should seriously start writing a will. HAhA. :(
Anyway, peace out for now.