" 'Near' is a good name."

Welcome those who are reading this. Well, Ive been really excited these past few days. Heres why.

First and indeed the most important, I've seen my girlfriend Jessie the other day for the first time in a while. (I believe I already said that in the previous post...oh well) And then I seen her today! Today, though, was probally one of the greatest days of my life. And only because not only did I just see her, but we were able to spend some time together. After she got off work, she took a bus to this place where you take another bus to go home. I, decided to tag along with her for the first part. The bus costs a dollar for a one way. And to get back I would need another dollar. It had to be exact change. And I was also with my friend Cody who also tagged along. I had to find him a dollar quick because I nor anyone else had a dollar. So I asked random people for a dollar or at least change for a 5. Then some man just gave me a dollar. I then called him god.

Moving on,....wow, what a great quote I just made at the end of the previous paragraph. Just go ahead and say it yourself proudly and without regret.

So once again, I was at the beach today as some may have figured out by now. I took Cody along with me. After my lovely Jessie left, me and Cody went larping on the beach. I horribly failed being Gaara. I got sand in my hair. And then I was playing the Mortal Kombat theme in my head and going along with the beat.
Some girls in the distance on the beach then made fun of us larping and were asking if they could play and have sword fights with us. We ignored them.

Yeah see, my life is only fun when Im around my girlfriend or just other friends. But when Im around my parents, Im sorry to say, life isn't all that great.

Orginally, I wanted this post to be all about how much I love my Jessie, but that might just make it appear that Im a little obsessed...WHICH THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH....but I wouldnt say obsess....call it true love if you may.

So I still havent got my ticket for Otakon yet. I still need to register. I dont think I will be cosplaying though.

Lately, Ive been making some videos and placing them onto Youtube. They all contain me just doing random things....dancing, dancing with a sword, singing, posing with a chair, and theres even a shoutout I made to my friends here on theO. My channel is MrOrbit89. Please subsribe to me if you can. No, Im not doing this for popularity. So as a bonus to this post, I'll attach one of my videos. I hope this isn't the end of this post....we'll see.
........annnnnd begin. Okay, so that wasn't the end. however I regret to announce that this is.
