hey minna-chii
NekoTenshiEmi linky :) is having a contest and needs people to join please please go to her world and sign up !!!!

Here's a copy/paste of the challenge

Each week (starting on Monday and ending on Sunday) we pick an anime or manga and draw a fan art of that series! Send me the picture so I know it's for this either in a dedication or pm!


On Monday (the start of the new fandom) I will either draw a name out of a hat or give you each a number based on first to submit and randomly select someone who drew a picture!
The random winner gets a free request! (you can ask Emi if you want her to draw for you instead (I'll double check that she will >.>) or even request a collab from us if you really want XD if not I'll probably be drawing it D:)

Looking for more people to join in on the summer challenge fun! :D
SO far our awesome peoples are:


So let me know :) I'd love to be able to start on Monday! Also, you won't have to draw EVERY week XD So if you want to join in, but aren't sure if you'll have time for ALL the series' then......THAT'S OKAY!

