Time: 9:58 p.m.


Doubt is raised
Through the cracks in your path.
Since when did it matter
How they looked at you?

To find yourself dragged though the dirt,
The slush of mainstream.
They’ll chisel and scrape at what made you so strong.

Understand what's real in the world
Lest your visions be dirtied by labels.

Maybe then, you can find yourself.

But when the fog sets in;
The mind is prey to temptation.
Shroomes will replace lucidity,
Lust will devour,
Ambiance glows a pitiful green.
Capitulate and fiends will replace you with a fool.

A lost carcass
Doubling over to read starry nights,
Toiling over numbers and tea leaves,
Troubled, to find their spirit dry.

What you hold dear
Will be lost between roads.
Hold on.
Below, forsaken souls. . .
Fell within the cracks.
Prayers howl in the winds above.
A fork;
Your last decision
Before your demise
Or true discovery.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hmm. I dunno O_o.
I wanted to focus on one thing... it might've helped if I knew what that one specific thing was. I went to all different points that I don't feel like explaining now.

Bleh ~>> tired.
