This is a collection of Worlds placed into one World for easy finding. If you want your World to be added to the list, PM xChox, with the title ADD, and why you want to be on the list, what your world is about, and who is the main poster. If you would like to become a Guest Poster, please PM me with the title GUEST POSTER. I should add you after you give me a descriptive introduction about why you should be a Guest Poster and such. Please enjoy this World, and do not abuse it!

Accepted Worlds
Literature and the Arts (Drawing Worlds, Fan Fiction Worlds, Story Worlds), Music, Clubs (All Clubs must have over five members), Database (Worlds like this one; It could also be just an extensive world that features essays, guides, etc.), Debate (These worlds must have a main poster who is polite; these worlds will be moderated and if not, they may experience a slight disapproval from us, this can result in a link being taken off of our world for a while),Political (these also must be moderated; we don't take put-downs very easily), and Personal (blogs, and such).

If you have a type of world that is not on this list, PM xChox and he'll see if he can add your type.

Non-Accepted Worlds
Spam (these are worlds that post random pictures, or videos, without any word content what-so-ever), Advertising (these are worlds that in every post is an Advertisment; if you wish to Advertise this world in one of your worlds, go right ahead, but if you have an Advertising world, we will not accept it), Extremly Demented (these are worlds that have extremly demented content in them; these will also more than likely be reported to a theO staff member), and theOtaku Rule Breakers (these are worlds that break theO rules; they will more than likely be reported to a staff member and not added).

At any time this list may be updated. Check back often to see if your world can make the list or not.

Guest Posters
xChox - Founder/Reviewer

Other Information
We will have a Waiting List (this will turn into a link when we get it), an FAQ (when the questions arise), and an Alphabetical, Type, and Subject / Last Updated Sections. These will all be here to make your theOtaku Universe better! If you have suggestions or anything else, PM them to xChox

Update (April 22) #2

I added some of Markus wolfe's Worlds, to the World list. I will be providing links for thoose momentarily.

Updates (April 22)

I added a Waiting List (First Post), and a Worlds list. I need Worlds, to add to that list, so for now, it's just sitting there. Also I added Blog's to the approval list, so send in your Worlds!


You are entering our World list. This is all the Worlds we have approved. If your world isn't on this list, check the Waiting List. Please subscribe to xChox, to get all the updates and show your support of this Universe! ...

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Waiting List

Waiting Approval

Waiting Revision

Waiting Guest Poster Approval

Waiting Projects
