Resoma woke up with a sigh.She sat up in bed."Resoma?U wake?"asked her mother through the door."Yeah..."resoma answered.She climbed out of her soft,welcoming bed and stretched.It hurt....A lot....She when over to her mirror and looked at her reflection.A big purple bruise was on her forearm.Her right side really hurt,too.Resoma sighed,again.How much longer must she put up with this?"RESOMA!!GET DOWN HERE!!!!!"yelled her father."COMING DA!!!!!"resoma yelled.Thank goodness she had learned to get dressed for the next day every night.Father was worse in the morning then in the afternoon.She opened her door and ran downstairs.Her father was waiting for her at the bottom.Resoma gulped."What is it,father?"she asked.Her father was glaring."Get down here."he said.Resoma came....He swung a surprise bat at her.Resoma knew too well,she ducked and ran for the front door.She made it out and ran to work.
More of story:Resoma's side