Hello everyone! It's good to be back. I have been gone for FAR too long. xD But being gone so long made me miss TheO even more! xD I hope you all haven't forgotten poor little Vampy-chan! O.O How is everyone? I hope you are all well and happy! xD Well Kakashisgf tagged me. So this means that you post 8 facts about yourself and tag 8 more people! I did this on my myspace, so I'll do it on here. xD
Fact #1
My biggest fear is cotton balls. All my friends think this is so weird but it's my greatest phobia. Allow me to explain. In third grade a kid tried to shove some cotton balls down my throat. I have been afraid ever since.
Fact #2
I don't like being put on a pedistool (sp). I don't like it when my mom talks about me like I'm a peice of grade A meat. I hate it when she focuses (sp) on my acheivements rather than my personality.
Fact #3
I'm very emotional. I am one of those people that is very sensitive and takes ALMOST everything one step foward. This drives my boyfriend crazy. But I can't help it. xD
Fact #4
I always put others before myself. I am probably one of the most unselfish people in this world. I always think about others emotions or needs before mine. I sometimes hate it because I'm in the middle of arguments all the time. I make everyone else happy before me.
Fact #5
I am not a people person. I was never in that party crowd and because of that, I can't be around many people without wanting to stab them. I am one of those people that only can hang out in small groups.
Fact #6
I love expressing myself creativly, expecially with clothing. I am one of those people that has to do my own thing almost all the time. I never go by what is "in", in our culture. I could honestly care less what other people say is cool.
Fact #7
I am a HUGE movie buff. Apart from my manga collection, I have a huge collection of movies. They are ranging from Monty Python to Fight Club. If I see a movie I like, I will buy it. I love movies.
Fact #8
My favorite thing in this world has got to be anime and manga. I first got into anime when Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z came out. But I really got interested this year. Well the beginning of it anyway. When I first saw Blood+ and Inuyasha and when I read Vampire Knight, I was hooked. xD I don't regret a thing.
Oki! Well if you read all of this I thank you! You have been given a peek into Kylie Christine. xD And now for the people I tag.
I tag...
Mad Hatter Belia, Kakashisgf, DaFeather, anit4e, smexykazekage, Stixx, Crimson-Rose, and finally chibi-anna-chan.
Thank you all! It's good to be back!
♫Vampy-chan a.k.a Kylie Christine