Clint Boa's Profile

Name:Clint Boa
Height:5 foot 9 inches
Hair:Shaggy Blonde
Usual Clothing:blue shorts, a jean jacket with the sleaves cut off with white tank top under it, straw cowboy hat, and one black stud earring on the left ear.
Personality:your usual redneck, laid back and likes to have fun, barely thinks of the consequences.
Likes:goofing off, swimming, guns, trucks, relaxing, mud
Dislikes:rap, hip hop, snobs
Catch Phrase:Baboom
Favorite song(s):Wanted dead or alive by Bon Jovi, Rock you like a hurricane by The Scorpions, Hollerback by The Lost Trailors.
Favorite book(s):Mostly Folkore(ghost stories and legends)
Favorite Movie:Pearl Harbor
Habits and/or disabilities: hates math and likes to make dares
Extra Info: Lives in an apartment, roommate is Rebecca Reinhild, has a job at Paul's Gun Shop, loves the mountains and the beach.

-Clint Boa
