Isaac Revamp

Hey guys. Remember Isaac? You may remember him if you're an OLD LADY like me. xD
Just kidding, you're not old.
I'm not that old, either.
Aaanyways, Isaac is an old character of mine that I created in early 2009.
This guy:
External Image
Well, I decided to revamp him a little, edit his story and design and such...
Here's his new desing:
External Image
Obviously, not much has changed from his design; mostly my drawing style changed. xD I did change the collar and chest of his shirt, as well as his hair... but only a little. I'm going to come up with a better color scheme, too. :d I'll give his design some INTESNE THOUGHT....

Oh yeah, I'm also working on his story! 8D
Actually, I'm working on the whole Isaac/Falorin/Charlotte story. It's coming along slowly beacuse I have a hard time piecing together what exactly everyone's point in the story is.... Right now, they're all just random characters. xD;;;;;

There's actually a lot of characters in the story. ;A; The main cast is Falorin, Isaac, Charlotte, Nicholay, Lucia, Rinchu, Segran, and probably this theif guy and this gypsy girl. (The last two don't have names yet HEHE...)
But I'll leave that story for another post. :d
