
I have a scanner!!! 8D Too bad I've just been doodling a whole lot... Actually, I've been drawing a lot of the character for Wakusei's challenge, but I want to keep him a secret until I finish the picture for the challenge. :M
Anyways, here's some sketches. :D

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It's JAMAL. He's dying.
Okay, he's not really dying. He's choking. xD; I mentioned in his profile that he has lung problems because of the smog in his town, and that he coughs a lot. Well, he chokes a lot too. :P Um... It's got a background and everything! :D
I'm kind of scared to ink and color this pic because I'm pretty sure I'll mess up. xD

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It's Gabe. I just drew this on whim. xD; I'm not really crazy about it. But idk. Maybe I'll finish it.

And that's all for nooow. :M Hopefully I'll finish some pictures soon....
