Character Development Meme (?): Kasey

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This doesn't really feel like a character development meme because Kasey hasn't changed much since I first designed her... and this doesn't feel like a draw-this-again meme because she's wearing a different outfit. xD;

Anyway, some elaboration on the changes since I've first made her:

-Appearance-wise: I've made Kasey's hair longer, changed her eyes to blue, darkened her skin tone, and made her hips somewhat wider. I've also made her face, ears, and nose very rounded. I kind of wanted to go cuteness overload when I designed her so I think having rounded features makes her more childlike and cute-ish. ...or something. :D;

-Personality-wise: Most of Kasey's personality is the same. She's still bubbly, energetic, outspoken, and pop-culture oriented. She's also a bit of an airhead, which is something that troubles me because Tomato is also an airhead... I-IS IT OKAY TO HAVE TWO AIRHEADS IN THE MAIN CAST? Compared to Tomato, I imagine Kasey to be more book smart. I'm considering making her a college graduate (probably majoring in something like "women's studies"), but I'm still not sure. Even if she is a college graduate, Kasey is the kind of person to make premature assumptions and formulate the most obvious argument possible when trying to prove a point. That is, even though she's potentially been given knowledge, she doesn't try to do a lot with it.
As far as gossip goes, she loves to talk and be told about other people, but doesn't normally insult or bash the people she talks about so much as relay her interpretation of said people. She's the type of person who gossips a lot, but doesn't really realize she's gossiping. (note: here, Gossiping = giving your opinion on another person/another person's situation when the person is not present)

It suddenly dawned on me while I was drawing the picture on the right that Kasey is 26 years old, and not 15. It's really weird to think of how much older she is than me! I can kind of get a feel that Stefan, Jo, and Gabe are around 10 years older than me, but I forgot that Kasey is right up there with them. :M;; Whoopsie. I also really need to make Kasey's character profile, as she is the only OFAV main character not to have one. .u.; I'll type that up some time... xD;

I hope to finish coloring the picture on the right before I go to college, but if not I'll try to finish it some other time. :V I had a lot of fun drawing Kasey's hair, but it kind of ended up completely different from how it originally looked. BUT OH WELL, WHAT CAN YOU DO!

Also, I finally finished adding tags to all the posts in this world! (Except maybe a few A Life Like This chapters, but they can be found in the intro.) What this means is if you're for some reason looking for posts with a particular character, you can type "[character name]" as your URL and be brought to all the posts in this world with that particular character. Or if you click on the tag of a character's name at the bottom of the post, that will redirect you to all the posts in this world with that character in it.
I know this information is already in the introduction to this world, but I figured I'd say it again since all the posts have now been tagged. ;o ...I don't know why you'd want to find all the posts with a particular character in it, but... IF YOU WANTED TO, NOW YOU CAN! Woooo hooooo.
