New Tablet Doodles

SO! My new tablet came in, and I've been practicing with it. I'm more comfortable sketching and stuff with it, now, but I still don't know about soft shading. The pressure sensitivity is different, so it'll take some getting used to. :M

Anyway, here's some random stuff I drew with my new tablet! 8D

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Kido from Zatch Bell/Gash Bell. :V I have this Zatch Bell video game where you fight as the mamodo kids. My dad used to watch my sisters and me play the game, and remembered this guy for some reason. When I asked my dad what I should draw with my new tablet, he said "The kid who opens his mouth and little versions of himself come out!"
So there you go.

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A redraw of an old Fire Emblem knockoff OC of mine named SEGRAN! He was probably my favorite of the My Dear Princess fantasy peeps, along with Falorin. Faida had an interesting design, too... BUT THAT'S TOO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT, SO NO MORE MY DEAR PRINCESS FOR NOW.

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I made an actual Fire Emblem OC with some friends on Gaia, for a random little FE OC group we're sort of accidentally making. 8D I made a short angry axe-user named WYBERT. WHY, BERT! We all just started calling him Bert after a while. xD He's this extremely tsundere 17-year-old kid who hates everything except he really doesn't. :V (I-I MAKE THE STUPIDEST GUY CHARACTERS, I'M SO SORRY...) I'd send you his Charahub profile so you could read more about him if you were interested, but the website is down. EH.

The last things I have are Wybert with pkmntrainer-lily's character Simon, and unlikably's character Fitz.
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Also, hi, all my characters are bi................
SORRY THAT ALL I DRAW IS BL. *runs into a forest*

YEP, that's all the doodles I've got for now. HOW FUN! Hopefully I get more used to my tablet so I can do some finished pictures. :D;;;
