Art Dump

HEY, it's been a while...! I'm really behind on posting art from my tumblr to theO... orz And since I can only do 10 pictures per post, here's the 10 most recent things I've drawn. :M You can scroll through the weird place that is tumblr if you're interested in seeing my other doodles and things I haven't posted since my last art dump thing. c:

Also, I also hope these art dumps aren't getting on anyone's nerves, for some reason... If you have an idea of how I can post my sketches and unfinished drawings that would be more appealing to you, just tell me! *u*;

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Idk how easy it is to see, but the top (visible) hand is Noland's hand, and the one underneath it is Prue's (not that I gave any indication that it was hers;;;)
I worry for Prue, for a couple reasons: 1) I FEAR SHE'S SLOWLY TURNING INTO A CONVOLUTED SELF INSERT... Sometimes I just want to smoosh Noland's face. So I draw Prue smooshing his face. This is not the first time this has happened.
2) Her personality is really kind of vague... I have a Charahub profile of her with her personality, and it makes sense in theory... but I have trouble thinking through things like I want her to, and have trouble writing what her speech should sound like. ;0; Sometimes I want her to sound articulate and intelligent, but then she comes off too much like Stefan; and then I want her to be sharp with some casualness, but then she comes off kind of similar to Chrystal (???). IDK, I WANT HER TO BE SOMEONE WHO SEEMS RESPECTABLE, BUT NOT ASKING FOR RESPECT LIKE STEFAN IS!! Her similarity with Stefan is my main issue, here, really. orz
I like how this whole paragraph is about Prue, even though the picture is of Noland. NOLAND IS A MARSHMALLOW. THE END.

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Barnaby (from Tiger and Bunny)'s birthday was on Halloween, so I drew this. ...Yeah.

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I've started doing sketches with the brush tool on SAI, which is actually quite a bit of fun. *u*
So yeah. Prue. Despite my previous worries regarding her, there are some good things that I'm figuring out about her. I figured out some time ago what kind of face shape to give her! :D I'd been drawing her with the same face shape as Stefan, which kind of bothered me because she was just being too similar to Stefan. (In fact, in her very early designs, she used to wear a suit..... HM.... but she had blonde hair, back then.) I'm also starting to understand her fashion sense a bit more. I haven't really given her any variation in her pants, so far, but she seems to like wearing long, almost dress length shirts; and scarves/turtlenecks/things covering her neck. Still kind of experimenting with her clothes, though.

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I WANTED TO PRACTICE DRAWING BACKS, but mostly I wanted to draw Gabe in stupid shorts, I'm sorry.
Backs are hard to draw.
I'll try to limit the pointless fanservice. 8D;

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I wanted to draw some blushy Nolands. 8D but I mean, when don't I draw that
These were actually going to be sort-of responses to comments I've gotten before, about Noland. Out of my characters, I think Noland would be the one to most appreciate the nice comments about him that some people online give. xD
Noland's hair has gotten so fluffy, these days. I think I've gotten a pretty good handle on it, though. I STILL HAVE YET TO TRY AND INK IT, HOWEVER... I'm really iffy about inking Noland's hair, because it almost never looked right, before. ;u;

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HAVEN'T STEGABE'D IN A WHILE.... *u* I've kinda been in a drawing rut of sorts and just doing doodles and stuff, but I feel like I'm getting some motivation back. :D I'm also pretty happy with how this came out... I always have trouble drawing cheek kisses, and I don't know why!!! The lips in kisses are just difficult to draw, in general. :T Lips are kind of like pillows in that they're smooshy (?), but it's hard for me to portray that pillow-y ness in a drawing. orz
I used this as a sort of ref for Gabe's head and nose, but kind of ended up winging it somewhere along the way. :V;;

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One of my alternative ideas for O. J.'s outfit when I was designing him was a big, fluffy jacket. I ended up not going with this outfit as his official design because I wanted his arms and tattoos to be visible, but I thought it would make a nice alternative outfit. :^D

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I really enjoy drawing Gabe being embarrassed. :,V He's so cocky all the time, it's kind of a nice change of pace. Stefan's cocky, too, but he's a different kind of cocky. :m ...I'm saying this, as if I don't draw bashful Gabe very often. I probably have posted several pictures of him being bashful.....
There will be a nice moment of Bashful Gabe coming up in this, as well. IF I EVER GET AROUND TO SCANNING THE DANG PAGES. SOMEONE! REMIND ME! TO DO THAT! ;U;

I'm not sure when the next time I'll have a finished picture up because I kind of forget whether or not I've been working on anything.... MEH. I haven't done a traditional pic in so long, either... ""orz I WANT TO DO STUFF, BUT...
Anyway, see y'all around! I might've come up with a title for the ~*~fashion world~*~, so I'll try to create that when I can.
Thanks for reading my stupidly long posts! ;3;
