Text Message Reminder Compilation

Story Notes
Teach Me Something Good
-Theme: adulthood happens, even if you’re not ready for it
-nol n chrys amusement park chapter; smoking, weird that he's [noland] is a teach (??? this is so vague i don't even fully remember this)
-[college timeline] Noland - stef had expressed interest in his work but had been really critical toward it. Was a form of affection Stefan used when he dated his ex, Noland took it wrong and becomes increasingly paranoid of critique from stefan
-Nol tels chrys a lot abt stefan and how they dated, but keeps the fact that he cheated a secret from her. Comes up in convo when she's complaining about peer drama where some dude cheated and she thinks said dude is trash/horrible/etc
-maybe one-on-one helping chrystal pass class is how they mostly interact; noland as a teacher but also someone who learns who she is and wants to see her succeed in life; different ideas on being respected = main source of tension.

-touches on:
--Noland and Prue’s natural dispositions (Noland = Gabe in terms of libido, Prue = ???)
--Noland’s view on Love (Janie, Stefan)
--Prue’s view on love
--Noland’s feelings for chrys + friendship with chrys
--Noland’s feelings for prue + sense of coolness from Prue
--Prue’s feelings for noland + sense of warmth from Noland
--Noland and Prue’s relationship/friendship + respect
-Organization: Summer (book), Fall (school), Spring (past prudence), Winter (Noland’s fam); spring narrated by Prue
-Maybe use bromance as model for platonic love a la Noland and Prue? idk

Nerdy and Jock
-Ned and Dmitri bicker a lot, but actually say nice things to each other in rude tones

Laf n Dmitri
-HS laf and dmitri like to spend time after school in the auditorium when no one uses it; laf plays music on phone and sings/dances to it? also use the backstage props etc without permission
-Maybe laf meeting Dmitri’s dad’s side of the family would be interesting? I think laf would feel embarrassed and less confident somehow?

OFAV/SteGabe Nonsense
--when they ask each other out, kinda goofy n fluffy with some lighthearted confusion?
--1st day as a couple: kinda awkward because they don't know what they're doing. have a talk n express what they hope to get out of their relationship.
--establish importance of honesty n that just 'cause they're dating doesn't mean that their relationship should change that much.
--stef and his boss (Rose): stef initially a huge kissup, does any nonsense she says to get in good graces; she's just trying to get under his skin. Eventually he's good friends w her and genuinely respects her. Rose: would rather have honest respect or no respect at all.
--theme: "i'm one way and that won't ever completely change, but I think the way that you are is worthwhile too"
--One thing that draws Stef to gabe is his genuine charisma (?) and also the fact that stef can share personal/rando stuff about himself with Gabe that he doesn't get the chance to ordinarily. (even among friends he's still a bit image conscious)
--Later stefan concern: "what benefits do I get from being distant and cold all the time? what do I even get out of this?" maybe an issue that arises is that he can't tell if he's faking his distant/cold/cynical attitude or if it's actually a genuine part of his personality.

My Dear Princess (falorin/chantre story)
--Chantre: believes falorin to be invincible. Terrified of her while in awe. When she dies, has the feeling of being trapped in Endergia, feeling of being lied to by Falorin (says he hates her, kicks/beats her corpse)
--Chantre: magic power from innocence and skill of writing wishes. Chantre was sheltered as a child to maintain innocence, often lied to to make his magic work. healing magic/wishgranting magic = uncommon/nearly impossible in adults because it's difficult to maintain pure innocence past a very young age.