Body Refs: Lafayette and Dmitri

Just a quick ref for how I draw Lafayette and Dmitri's bodies.

External Image

I can't decide if this picture's awkward or not;;; WHATEVER, IT'S HERE.

Dmitri's body type is pretty straightforward. I don't really put a lot of thought into how I draw his body;;; HONESTLY THE MAIN THING IS... MAKE HIS PROPORTIONS NOT LOOK WONKY WHEN STANDING NEXT TO LAFAYETTE...;; Height differences are disorienting. orz Oh, he's also not as buff as his football colleagues (basically Jack and Brodney.)

I mostly drew this ref for Lafayette b/c I have a lot of things I try to keep in mind when I draw him, but I have trouble being consistent;;; Also since it's relevant to how I draw Lafayette's body, I put more info on how I personally conceptualize Lafayette's sex on the next page. :^0 But for the most part it's up to you to decide whether any of the stuff on the next page is canon. idk I kinda wanna keep Laf's sex kinda ambiguous. He is canonically intersex, but in what way that manifests biologically or whatever is up to you. Which is why it's on the next page. Yeah.