Vocaloid guest posters wanted ;XD!

LOL no this is not me forcing you to be a guest poster >w>. I have deleted my other music world and made this Vocaloid because I have become addicted to vocaloid, but it is still pretty new to me so I still have a bunch to learn ;XD! There is not a posting limit, just post when ever you feel like it. And this is not just for music, you can post pictures too, just please read to rules ^^;. I have already made MeepoSan and LightFykki guest posters because I know of there love for vocaloid >D! BTW you two don't need to post ether. I will post when I feel like it which will most likely be a lot because I love Vocaloid OoO <3.~

So potential guest posters you can ether comment or pm me, Vocaloid lovers if you don't want to be a guest poster just enjoy the world!~, non Vocaloid lovers; WHY DID YOU EVEN CLICK ON THIS ;XD? I mean seriously the world title speaks for itself, did you think a bag of kittens and puppies were here OoO?
