I had no idea. >.>

I was browsing a forum I signed up for a while ago. I don't know if anyone's heard of it. It's http://animeforum.com/. But anyway, I came across a thred about a DBZ live action movie. xD
I was like, o.O. I just want to know if I'm the only one who didn't know about this. A lot of people in the thred seemed to know. >.>
I'd like to see how it'd turn out though...
Besides that. I found a new song to listen to. And it's stuck in my head at the moment. The song is called "One" by Epik High. Anyone heard of them?
Ah, and I have something else to post here. Haha. I went to a tournament Saturday. I was supposed to spar, however, they didn't have an opponent for me. You see, I went as a green belt to this tournament since it was my first. Now I was supposed to spar a green belt girl. And guess what. There were no green belt girls. -_x
I automatically received a gold medal. They put me up against a red belt just for experience or something like that. I was pretty bumed. I actually wanted to EARN the medal. Bah...
Well that's about it...
