Sweaty... >.

Hm. This entry's going to be short. I just wanted to update, but I have homework to do so, yea...
I just came back from taekwondo. And I'm sweating like a fat person who just ran up 20 flights of stairs. Blech. But I feel...what should I say...lighter? I felt like I lost a pound or two. It'd be nice if I really did. xD
I've heard that I'm getting my preogress report and I'm afraid to see it. Why you may ask? Well I've been lazy. And I just found out today that I droped from a 90 to an 80 in enlglish. I was about to cry. And since it's an honors class I have to maintain at least a 90 to stay in. T.T
I haven't been doing howeork either... >.>
I should start that now...
Oh I've also started to watch Lovely Complex after hearing(actualy reading) about it from ElvesAteMyRamen. I like it.
