I used to like Vegeta when I was younger. But I still like him. I hope that everyone will enjoy this shrine of mine for him. Vegeta is the Prince of all Saiyans and always will be.

No subject. I'm just pissed

Grrrrr.... stupid width rule. It makes me so mad that I try to submitt something and then I have to start over It's bullshit. I'm pissed. I was trying to submitt my cover but it wouldn't let me. It ticks me off. Oh well I may as well submitt it on DA anyway. It's much better. But damn that just pisses me off when that happends. Here I'll just give out the link and then everyone will be happy. ^^ And it will be posted on mostly The Land of the Sound. Heres a link. Enjoy.


I'm so freaking bored. Here's another vid of Vegeta.


Well I think I'm my DBZ spirit is arising again. So I made a world for Vegeta in dedication of. ^^ At least it suits my name. Now I'm bored. I want to make another world. I don't know what of. Well bye bye for now.
~Time heals all wounds~
