Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Rupture my Replica

Wow, this is a bit.......natsukashii........
I haven't written anything online in almost a year or so. I'm feeling like writing with a pen is too much trouble right now though and since my beloved, real blog is no longer accessible I've finally given in and come back to theO as my own shadow. I guess it was a good idea I took the liberty of creating a second identity back in the day when there was no such thing as worlds. I think part of the reason I'm back is because I've become good friends with another aspiring writer recently. Talking to him and reading his stuff makes me want to be articulate again.

So now, just to clear things up: my name is Katy, once formerly known as Sailor Firestar, but not anymore due to a strange (and ultimately uninteresting) password/email malfunction. I will hereafter be on this screenname only. If you were once my friend, I welcome you back. If you don't know me, I welcome you anyway. Feel free to check out my old myOtaku sites and the art in the portfolios there. I'll do what I can to be a good internet friend, but as I'm a teacher and currently not in my country of origin I tend to be a bit busy, not to mention distracted..........

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