
Recently I've been feeling out of control. Things are happening too fast, just like last July. I seem to be managing it this year with compulsive cleaning bouts. Suddenly I feel as if I can't work or draw, or do anything at all if there's dirt around me. Yesterday it was the walls in my kitchen. Today, the sliding glass doors to my balcony. But as I scrubbed away at the glass I realized most of the dirt was actually on the outside. And not only was the glass dirty, there was dirt on all the metal framing. And in the track where the door slides. And between the door and the screen. And some of it's probably not dirt, but something more nasty like mold. My apartment's not especially new, but not that old either. I'm not too dirty I don't think. Messy maybe - there's a lot of stuff in this place - but not dangerously so. I have to go out and meet Sarah & Nicole now so I can't do the outside of the doors. Good thing too, I know I'll see all kinds of problems if I go out on the balcony.

Lucky we've got a 3 day weekend.
