Alive and Back Here Once Again

[This is sooo not what Tito-sensei had in mind....]

I've been having a lot of reunions with students and teachers recently. It's pretty cool. Schools that I went to last year once or twice, and then again back in the spring are now on their 3rd, 4th, or 5th go round for English this school year. I don't think there's a single school on my schedule this month that I've never been to. It's nice to be remembered. It's also nice when it's been a while since I've gone somewhere but I'm really looking forward to it and things go well.

Today....not so much with the things-going-well, but it was still a reunion after 3 months with T*****kun, lover of Bleach and giver of popsicles, so me having a cold didn't really matter. I'm always amazed by the way Japanese kids see me. The ones who like me, like me. And that's that. They don't equate "Katy" with the sometimes ridiculously useless things I have to teach them. English class is English class, & when it's over I'm someone they talk to b/c they want to. Nevermind the way they were acting during class, or how they might have felt about what they were being made to do. They'll never hold it against me.

And I'll never hold it against them either.
They're only 11 after all.

Tomorrow is another reunion I've been looking forward to. But it's also a farewell to some of my favorite 6th graders. Their school is already on it's last visit for the year. We're having a Halloween party. Complete with costumes and candy. I'll be going as Lenalee, barring any worsening of my health....

I've finished all the requests, all the presents, and all the posting of old drawings. It's kind of hard to believe. I also have 4 face sketches of characters for "Rainbow's End" among them. So, nothing left to do now but get to work making them look real. Unfortunately that probably won't happen till Saturday at the earliest since I'm sick, have the Halloween party tomorrow, a demo class Friday, & dinner w/Hachi & her family Friday night.
I need more NyQuil...
