"Conquistadores 2 (Screaming Symphony)"

I spent the first day of 2010 in South America.

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Not literally of course. I watched the entirety of "Michiko E Hatchin". 22 episodes. Pretty good way to get rid of that New Year's Eve hangover. It's kinda Cowboy Bebop-esque storytelling I'd say. Past and present happening at the same time, in bits and pieces. Where the past is so horribly painful that it's haunting the characters in the present but you don't know all of it until the end. (I suspect there was some Kill Bill influence as well though...) There was a lot of stuff in Spanish, or maybe Portuguese, neither of which I speak but it's easy enough to figure out. An English subtitled scene with people speaking Japanese to explain Spanish writing on some sort of paper or sign used for the story. Mind-boggling. I was pretty sure about the outcome of the series from about halfway through. I didn't mind for some reason though. It was still exciting.

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I seem to be synesthizing again. I'm turning into someone who only speaks one language. Katy language. Sometimes I'll look back on a conversation w/someone & think, "Was that in English?" but it's impossible b/c the person doesn't speak English. And then I'll wonder, "When I said such-and-such word.......was that really Japanese?" Two languages melding together in my head into something that makes sense to only me. Words blend into meanings, meanings into feelings. I once had a friend get annoyed w/me b/c he said I wasn't listening to what he was saying when I was in "Japanese mode". I was a little surprised by that. I thought I was listening. I thought I was answering too.

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New Year's Eve was pretty weird. I had my picture taken by & with a bunch of high school girls several times. And I don't mean different groups of them. Just the same 4 girls at the house of some people I don't know that I was invited to out of pity most likely. And I went to out of......who knows what. But it was more fun than I expected. And there was good food. And it was free. Also, the liquor. That was free too. Possibly the only down side was leaving before midnight in order to not be forced to spend the night. Oh, and being constantly translated to by someone who still sees the girl he met 2 & a half years ago when he looks at me. At one point he actually apologized, "Sorry, I'm in Japanese mode." And I wished I hadn't cut my fingernails so it would hurt more when I dug them into my hand to keep from laughing or punching him in front of total strangers.

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