Countdown to the End 3 (Blind Light, Deaf Beat)

Nothing to do on a Friday afternoon...

I'm sitting in the computer lab at my school right now. The kids are supposed to be practicing typing for some speed test that they'll take at some unknown time. Most of them are just playing around on the internet. Like me. They keep marvelling at my speed, but thinking back, when I was their age (15?) I couldn't type with more than two fingers. Nor did I care to. I just wrote my reports by hand and passed them off to my mom at two am the night before they were due. She was up anyway. It was just before I went off to college that she made me take a typing course. She said, "What are you gonna do if your roommate's mean? I may have typed all Suse's papers when we were in college, but that doesn't mean some stranger's gonna do it for you!"

I think my freshman roommate was pretty nice. She kinda bored me though so I can't remember. Either way, I guess I'm glad I learned to type....

I like the computer lab. There's heat, but no teachers. There's kids, but no noise. Well, that's not true...I can hear the basketball and volleyball teams practicing in the gym upstairs. The balls bouncing off the floor over and over, their shoes squeaking at unexpected times, but right here next to me Sho**-chan and her friend aren't saying a word. My typing is probably the loudest thing in here besides the heat and the buzz of flourescent lights.

"...I'll keep my helmet on just in case my head caves in..."
