Changed Again and Again

I finally did it. My site is completely my own art. The background, the banner, the avatar (that doesn't show here....) all of it. It took the better part of the day. Well, to be fair, I only woke up at 12:30 so I suppose the better part of the day may have been when I was still sleeping (hey, better is a relative term anyway!) I've kinda been using this World as a base for a lot more than just communication on theO and I realized after a while that, considering who I am (not going into that right now) and what I do (or that, sorry) I really should be using my own stuff here. To be a bit less vague, it seems unfair for an artist to be showing off while using someone else's work as decorations. I couldn't spare the time to draw something new just for this, though I would have liked to, so I messed around with some photo editors and....this is the result. I'm not too happy with the way the yellow text is hard to read on the banner, and I think the yellow in the background stands out too much (I don't actually like yellow all that much, not even sure why I used it) but.....I got sick of working on it Just to clarify, I am by no means condemning, insulting, or looking down on the practice of making/editing avatars, wallpapers, layouts, etc. using other people's art or the people who do it. You guys make some awesome graphics. I just decided it wasn't right for me to do it anymore. On a side note, if you look closely at the Arthur drawing that I used for the background, there's a certain detail that's missing, or rather, had to be moved, for the final version with all the other Hetalia guys.....

I love theOtaku. I don't say that often enough. Actually, I probably don't say it ever, but it's true. Of course, I'm not the same kind of member I was 6 years ago (when I was someone else), or even 3 years ago for that matter, but I still have to visit every day. Recently I've started to feel like I kind of know who people are again and even got a couple of really nice surprises, this pic:

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from mia-chan about a month ago, and this one:

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from Farah2 last week. Crazy surprised both times! (click the links above each one to go to the fanart & give hugs!) Thank you!!

Anyway.....I've only got 2 more days before it's back to work , but at least no school yet, just sitting in the office. It's still considered summer vacation somehow....I did a lot during the break, and have a lot to say about it, but......that's for a different post. I finally got around to listing the post titles I've used & then deleting them from the main list (which I finally saved so I don't have to keep looking it up on wiki every time) so I won't have to read through all my old ones every time to check for duplicates. Which means, I should be able to do this more efficiently, and thus, more often. I'm thinking of turning this particular World in a more public direction and making two more (one Japanese and one private) since you can have up to 5 (right? 5? I think it's 5....), a little preview never hurt anybody...

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