Pride on the Blade

Eh...I've waited way too long to make this post...I knew I should have done it right after I went to 夏コミ and could really talk excitedly about it. I'm only doing it now b/c I'm afraid with Beth visiting next weekend I'll end up having too much other stuff to talk about & never get to it if I don't. Oh well...gotta try and make it good anyway...So, I did my ANBU cosplay both the 1st and 2nd day, but the pictures are all from the 2nd. The 1st day I was by myself, while the 2nd Hachi was with me to be my personal cameraman.

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This girl had the most amazing contacts, but you can't see them at all in the pic...

Hachi was pretty funny when we went out to the cosplay plaza (you can't just take pictures in the middle of the convention hall after all, it's way too crowded). She's been going to these things longer than me, and the first time she invited me she mentioned going to look at cosplayers as something to do there but it turns out...she's never actually done it! Seems she was too scared to go out there by herself.

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This girl was the best Lee ever! I mean, seriously....she looks EXACTLY like him!

I can kinda understand Hachi's hesitation I guess. I've gone out and walked through it befeaore, but never taken pictures of people b/c I was by myself and it felt weird. Having her with me, and seeing her get excited over every cool looking person we saw made it a lot easier for me to walk up to random people and chat about Naruto or ask to take pics together. A few of them even asked me if I had business cards. Yep. Cosplay business cards. I have to make some now since I ended up receiving them.

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These might be the only Naruto cosplayers I met who were actually male...

Notice something missing from my costume? weapons. I was so upset when the staff made me leave my sword and armor at the cloak check! What's an ANBU without a sword strapped to their back?!? It makes the costume! OK, actually, the mask is what makes the costume, but still...the sword is pretty damn important.

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I had to take one w/Gilbert even though we don't match at all...

And when it was all over I had to get a haircut since I bleached the purple out & my hair started melting off just like when it was pink 4 years ago. I keep thinking of more characters I want to cosplay now. I hope my mom is up for some more sewing next time I go home....
