The Bad Joke

The world is moving much too fast for my liking right now...I'd like to think it's residual December, but...yeah, it's not. I can't see it slowing down any time this year.

There's so much I want to post about, and it's actually otaku related for once too, not just random weird shit I think about, but...yeah, that would take planning and organization and...there's no time for that. All those kids drawings I was putting off till later while I kids drawings? Yeah, later has come. And apparently it only consists of January.

January 14 - 7
January 18 - 6
January 21 - 5
January 26 - 9
January 27 - 6
January 31 - 20

That would be...the number of kids I promised pictures to and the last day I'm going to see each group of them...

Kinda freaking out here....(the ones for tomorrow are done at least)

I barely have time to scan stuff before giving it away, and none at all to clean it up and post it. I'd like to think I'll be able to in February but....that's when I have to draw all the other stuff that's waiting. Stuff people here asked me for like 6 months ago, stuff for teachers who gave me presents, stuff for kids who are graduating in March, stuff for friends who may be leaving in March...

And then it's Spring Break! YAY!


Somehow my dad and his wife, and my brother all decided to visit at the same time. Don't know how I'll possibly keep them all happy, or how I'll have any sanity left when they're gone and I have to jump right back into work, or where I'll find the time and money for 春コミ, I don't even have the money to get more sketchbooks to finish all those damn drawings!

So, there's always summer, right? No....I'll be dealing with Florida in the summer.

Oh, and let's not forget I have to start looking for a new job this year. Which means I'm gonna need a new apartment (somewhere...) too and money for that. And I probably should take the JLPT and, make a resume, and....

(ugh...I remember people who were in their 5th year when I was in my first one here and how they just ran around partying all the time with no plan and said they were worried about it but never actually did anything...I think I see why now...)

...probably doesn't help much that I had a moment of clarity while teaching my 2nd graders today. The clarity that what we're doing here is of no lasting use to anyone. None whatsoever. And that was pretty horrifying because it was in the middle of a perfectly smooth, successful class which ended with all the kids and teachers happy and overly grateful. Just like always.

Maybe it's just winter bitterness...

...but I kinda doubt that too. For the moment I let it go as, "It's just the first day back after a long time, that's all." so I could move on with the day, but it's not. It was one of those blindfold-ripped-off-your-eyes to find yourself on a life raft in the middle of the ocean kind of things.

Maybe it's just my typical, "I need to do something different now," childishness...

Anyway, there is no reading JUMP or watching Fairy Tail (or reading or watching anything else for that matter) for me now. No hanging up the posters I took down to rearrange during Winter Break. Soon to be no "honestly" doing my correspondence course for Japanese, and definitely no magazines, doujinshi, or cosplay photo editing.

What's that?
What about writing your own comics, you say?


Really. I'm laughing at you.

External Image me in my dreams tonight...
