And the Rain Let Off

It rained today. But only a little bit. Not enough to keep me from walking home at least. I walked the same way twice this evening. I sometimes see funny things walking home but don't always take much notice of them. Today I decided to keep track because of the first one that appeared just outside the station. An old woman in a wheelchair. She looked miserable. Someone unmemorable was pushing the chair for her. Of course, that's not very funny, or if it is it's rather cruel of me to say so. But on her lap was a dog. A poodle I think. And this dog had to be at least as old (in dog years) and twice as miserable as the woman. Hmm.......maybe that's still a bit too cruel to be funny.......

Soon after that I passed a nice restaurant that I've always wanted to go into even though I have no idea what kind of food they serve. One of the cooks was outside throwing a baseball with what appeared to be his girlfriend. There he was in his white chef coat, and there she was in her short dress and high heels, and both of them had baseball gloves and were playing catch like it was the most typical thing in the world. That one was pretty cute.

Maybe even cuter was the man that lives in my neighborhood (I've seen him lots of times & always have to bite my lip to keep from laughing) walking his 6 shihtzus at the same time. Maybe they're not all his, but still. Have you ever seen someone walk 6 dogs at once? No matter how tiny they are it looks ridiculous.

Almost to my apartment I saw what I swear was a chamber pot on the sidewalk. Why it was there just collecting rain I can't even begin to guess. It was still there on my way home the second time too. Not much else of interest on that walk, just at the beginning of it. Right outside the station, in front of the 7-11 I saw a man on a bicycle ride by and snatch an umbrella from the stand outside the door without even stopping! And I thought, "How the hell did he do that?!?" Not to mention, "Why the hell did he do that?!?" It was hardly even raining. No need to steal an umbrella dude.

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I'm pretty much in love with my new boots. I can even run in them. Not that I'd want to of course, but just in case I need to catch a train....
Definitely wearing these to PUNKSPRING in April.
