Hello, fellow otaku! This is the World for my original manga Vermilion. Vermilion is about a boy named Soro who lives in the fictional city of Vermilion. One day he meets a man named Razz who is a member of a revolutionary group. He reveals that an organization is trying to gain control of the United States government and turn the country into a totalitarian society, so Soro joins in hopes to prevent this. The story is meant to be metaphorical of religion, how religion ultimately tries to gain control and influence. If this interests you, please share your thoughts here. This story is still in the early stages of development and it is an individual project, but I hope to have it published in the future. Any support from you guys is very appreciated. Please feel free to PM me questions about the story.
This is for my own original story as mentioned earlier
I'll post character profiles and art in due time
Feel free to post fan art of my original characters
Feel free to provide suggestions and feedback (I could really use it)