project oath

spreading the word - since its a good cause

project oath - i copied and pasted the intro

OATH is an awareness group created by Otakus for Otakus. We were founded after a group of members witnessed that the vast majority of TheO’s population had fallen victim to terrorizing or harassment at home, in life and/or on the web. Project OATH was created in response to the many touching comments made on the issue. OATH’s main purpose on TheO is to help deal with, and spread knowledge, of the harmful effects of bullying and harassment, both online and off. We hope to inspire members to develop into more tolerant people and become dynamic elements of a healthy society. OATH aims to create a neutral ground where every one of its members can stand and receive support. Members will not be discriminated against due to their situation or any other aspect of their being. The Project is held together by its members and offers help and advice to anyone who requests it. We offer a place for members to come together and talk about different experiences in their day-to-day lives as well as present each other with helpful counsel and share their own opinions of any given subject. The members are expected to keep open minds and to respect one another’s opinions, even if one doesn't agree. OATH operates under the knowledge that “Until there's a public commitment, and action to back that commitment, a policy is only words on paper.” (Tim Field, 2002)
A solution needs to be found.

and so - if ur interested in joining or spreading the word - go and take a look =)
