This world is for those who love the game Tales of Vesperia!
If you have never played, feel welcome to have a look around!

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Info about the game:

"'Aer' is a primeval power source of the universe. "Terica Lumireis" is a world sustained by "blastia", which is driven by aer. The People of Teric Lumireis enjoy living their lives, living in cities sheilded by barriers that keep them safe from the monsters of their world.

The Empire once reigned over the people as the bedrock of peace. Blastia, the legacy of an acient civilazation, was under the strict control of the Empire and only certain people became privileged to their use. The poor of the world soon formed oringazations in search of their freedom- the guilds -and strived to live outside the Empire's rule. Eventually, through conflict and comprimise, a new society formed with a complicated relationship between the Empire and the guilds.

Even after the Great War ten years ago and disputed rights of succession after the dimise of the Emperor, this world seemed peaceful..."

blazefan22 - Raven

We are currently looking for new members! Don't be afraid to ask!

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MarySuePink (aka Estelle)

Yea, i don't like her that much but she's a good person
so heres a post for the Princess
(is it just me or do the girl smileys always make you think of Estelle i mean look at 'em ----> )
So Let's Picture It Up!
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i don't believ in this "Ristelle" but the pictures can be so darn cute!

next will be Flynn

Rita's Main Post

Rita of Course gets a Post!
Rita is just plain out awesome
She's strong in both Muscle, Brain, and Headed
So Lets Show Some Pictures!
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Rita No! Its Freaking Cold Outside!

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There Ya Go Rita!

Yes, the Bad Ass gets a post

Okay so the title is true
Yuri really is a Bad Ass
and heres a post for the awesome Main Character
so lets show some pics:
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Omg So Colorful!!

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haha girly pink

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two pretty awesome BestFriends

well theres his post

Karol Love

Time For Some Karol Love!
Karol is ma second fave guy
only because he's cute loveable and so huggable!
so here Karol, here some pics of you!
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Karol and Nan should so be a couple
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Man i haven't been able to find any really aweoms epictures of him!

Judith Time!

well while searching for pictures to post i kept finding a bunch of Judith, which i know is because a lot of guys are going over her
but She's a pretty cool character to start out with so im gonna post some pictures
my fave of her:
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Well theres some awesome pics of her
i think im gonna make a post for each of the characters
and then some later date i'll make mini profiles of them (aka a post with all their info)