This world is for those who love the game Tales of Vesperia!
If you have never played, feel welcome to have a look around!

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Info about the game:

"'Aer' is a primeval power source of the universe. "Terica Lumireis" is a world sustained by "blastia", which is driven by aer. The People of Teric Lumireis enjoy living their lives, living in cities sheilded by barriers that keep them safe from the monsters of their world.

The Empire once reigned over the people as the bedrock of peace. Blastia, the legacy of an acient civilazation, was under the strict control of the Empire and only certain people became privileged to their use. The poor of the world soon formed oringazations in search of their freedom- the guilds -and strived to live outside the Empire's rule. Eventually, through conflict and comprimise, a new society formed with a complicated relationship between the Empire and the guilds.

Even after the Great War ten years ago and disputed rights of succession after the dimise of the Emperor, this world seemed peaceful..."

blazefan22 - Raven

We are currently looking for new members! Don't be afraid to ask!

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Random Picture For July!

I really like this picture.
Raven looks good in that outfit. Heehee~


I was looking up the Trailers for Tales of Vesperia~The First Strike~ on Youtube and I stubbled upon this video.
Well, they we're doing auditions for the characters for their fansub.
And they got these amazing Bloopers of the guy who is going to be Raven for them.
They make you lmao.

Summer Days

Well since it's summer or atleast near summer, I thought I'd post this picture I found of the Vesperia gang on a Summer day.


I think I died completely.
Well, Updating would be good.
So, heres a video:

And a picture:



sorry for my epic deadness
But since i can't use Photobucket i haven't been getting on
hellokatty told me there is a different way to post pictures
Thanks to her i'll be trying to post more!
One picture at a time though
So heres a cool picture i founds: