Hello everyone, yes, I sort of backed out of the Role-Play and decided to keep this account due to the aaaaaaamazing friends I've made along the way,
Yun-Yun, that's you.
I'm sorry I'm such a loser, I just didn't talk to anyone in the RP outside of my own little "squad". I am still your Fukutaichou. And don't you forget it. :) Welcome to my real self. Being Yachiru was entirely tiring every single time I came on. I'm not that hyper person anymore (unless you get me all riled up. Then that's t-r-o-u-b-l-e.) so Yachiru doesn't exactly fit me. I'm also no disclosing my real name, still call me Yachi if you will. And to my men, I am their Fukutaichou!
Also, I will continue to Role-Play every now and then with you guys if you so wish it. (No longer with Skype though, sorry :/ computer crashed last year) This sounds more like a post than an introduction... but hell, welcome to my Whole New World!