What My Mother Doesn't Know By Sonya Sones was a very interesting and good book. It was written in free verse poems and I enjoyed that because it was an easy read. This book was very suspenseful and I didn't want to put it down at times. It was about a very ordinary teenage girl and how she dealt with all sorts of teenage girl problems. It was very interesting to see how she managed lots of her issues because she got herself in lots and lots of situations. She did some crazy stuff in this book. She made lots of mistakes and had to endure the consequences just like every normal girl. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend this book to everyone.
Top 10 Websites Sophie Would Visit.
1. Face book-Sophie looooooves her friends and this would be a good way to keep in touch. She could also share pictures of her and her friends on there. Also face book is a good way to meet new guys.
2. MSN- she’s got to check her e-mail and see if she’s got any new e-mail from her friends. They e-mail about a lot of there drama
3. Art.com- Sophie loves to draw and would get on here to get ideas or just to look at art from other kids.
4. Malco.com- Sophie and her friends enjoy going to the movies a lot. She would most likely get on here to see what movies are playing and the times so she wont be late.
5. Poetry.com- Sophie is very artistic and likes poetry. She would get on here to look at poetry and get ideas for her own
6. Lyrics.com Sophie likes music so when her favorite band comes out with a new single she’s got to get on there to check out the lyrics. This would also give her ideas for poetry
7. Lovecalculator.com- every week Sophie is in “love” with a new guy. I’m sure she gets on there to calculate their love.
8. PinkMonkey.com- she goes here to get cliff notes for books because in English she never reads the assigned book.
9. My Space- everyone used to have a my space but then moved to face book. She still gets on there every once in a while to just see what’s going on there
10. jokes.com- Sophie is a funny girl but she cant do it all herself. She must get on here to find the latest, funniest jokes to tell her friends.
If I could spend one day with one of the characters from the book I would spend it with Sophie. She seems like a cool person and was the main character in my book. Out of all the characters in the book she was the one that I felt the most connected with. Also, I would choose Sophie because we are very different in many ways. I think that I could learn a lot from Sophie. We would start the day off by eating a nice lunch at one of Sophie’s Favorite restaurants. Then we would go to the art museum. Sophie loves to go there to just get away from things and I haven’t ever really been to an art museum so it would be a good experience and Sophie could teach me a lot. After that I would take Sophie out to do something I enjoyed. I would take her to the golf course. Just like art museums are Sophie’s way to get away, golf is my way to get away. I would also bet that Sophie has never done that so it would be a good experience for her.