Welcome to Victory Script, a world dedicated to reviewing the best and worst moments of anime and video games.
- Created By Dranzerstorm
The Shark House - Chapter 83 - The BWI Awaits
Ever since I blossomed, the doors which were previously locked to me suddenly opened, the BWI offered me Nasu Hijiri to join their ranks.
The Bayside Women's Institute, while it's not a free ticket out of my Shark House predicament, it does give me something to work towards.
The moment I entered the building, I was whisked away to a magical place where I was able to pick five dresses for the five grand balls, Debutante, Ballroom, Gala, Cinderella and Gracies, I've already missed the Gala, Cinderella and Debutante Balls this year, so the first one is the Ballroom Blitz in September, then Gracies Ball at Christmas.
My mother is a member as well as my cousins Asuka, Shoko and Mitsue and my sister Hime starts membership next year.
I always thought the reason for being overlooked was because of my job being so low but my mother told me it was because I blossomed, I didn't think me growing breasts counted but apparently it's more than that, it's like how Zoe Helkin went through a similar transformation, it's not just the beauty upgrade but the confidence upgrade, the social upgrade, the last time I even saw a sequin dress was when I last competed in junior figure skaters back in Japan as a teenager.
I just can't believe all this happened when I ate a chocolate and transformed into a busty princess and declared my love for my now boyfriend.
For the first time in my life, there was no insecurities, just love for myself that I was missing all along, it was breathtaking.
The more cynical among you would think that the BWI only recruits attractive women, one look at Chao Baozhi would bust that myth, the girl is always one sleepless night away from a coma, Sara Mortlius is so unkempt that she looks like a completely different person in cosplay.
Far be it from me to judge the behaviours of Jessica Richards, Dorothy Lam and Lydia Barclay who allow themselves to be transformed into voluptuous forms willingly, my point is, the BWI doesn't discriminate on body types, it's all based on choices, I wasn't allowed in because I lied to get into my position, equally Zoe was blocked not because of nepotism as Kara keeps claiming but the lack of respect she showed her team.
I won't knock what I've received, I've never been so happy to twirl around in an elegant ballgown.
But still, my future self is still sticking around, my decision to drive the Purple Corona car being the reason, I think she wants to make sure it doesn't kill me.
The Shark House - Chapter 82 - Two Nasus
Since Nasu went through her princess transformation, she's gained a remarkable boost in her confidence, she now has a boyfriend, she has a side job modelling for Marylin and all the insecurities she felt around her sexy friends Sylvia and Emily just disappeared, she showed up at the Midnight Coffee House sporting black leather pants, a top that gave her new bust some volume and a red leather jacket, she even wore makeup.
In stark contrast, her bad future self while having the same figure, looked like she fought her fair share of conflicts, but the longer she stays, the more she changes to Nasu's current future, her prosthetic limbs were reveresed back into flesh and skin and her scars were clearing one after the other, the last thing holding her memories of the bad future is her eyepatch, if she were to remove it, she will complete her transition to the current time line and disappear into Nasu.
The bad future was a far cry from the current one.
In the bad future, it all started when Nasu's father was poisoned, the result meant that her mother instead of three children only gave birth to one with a donated sperm, this became Nasu, the highway wars that erupted between her mother Subaru and a rival syndicate took its toll on her and only served to make Nasu more unhinged, this wasn't helped when the Corona cars got involved, Nasu was selfish and such a nature cost her best friend Mikoto's life, she would brutally murder every syndicate member she could find before being arrested, she was bought out of jail and forced into marrying a Yakuza's son, her path would later cross with Blazing Rose in which the Corona wars became international eventually losing her humanity but keeping enough to make a deal with the devil, she killed Blazing Rose and went back in time to fix it, the risk being that she could wipe out her own existence, something she accepted.
She would stop her father from getting poisoned, she then prevented the Corona plans from getting stolen and then finally prevented Mikoto's death, to Nasu's surprise she still existed, albeit two years younger and with an older brother and younger sister.
Instead of staying in Japan, she ended up in Bayside, Nasu doesn't even meet Blazing Rose as her international notoriety never happened and she had a new set of friends along with Mikoto in Sylvia and Emily, Mikoto would even join the family by marrying her brother Kaito.
All of Nasu's crazy power ended up in video games, she was an exceptionally good driver and she wielded great respect among the highway.
But what made her future self proud was how different her personality is, despite her new insecurities, she is a very kind compassionate woman, a far cry from her twisted bad future.
Bad future Nasu only had one mission left, she would see out the events of the Bayside Highway Grand Prix to make sure nothing happens between the corona cars.
The Shark House - Chapter 81 - Love is All Around
Nasu turned up at the training arena to greet Luke, with her more enhanced figure and everything she went through with the candy incident, Nasu was fully prepared for Luke to reject her, but for the first hour, everything just went normally although her new figure made her balance awkward to adjust.
Nasu was finding the silence deafening until she spoke.
"Luke, what happened, I" Luke then interrupted.
"I'll ask you two questions, the first one is how do you think you were kicked out of your last team" Luke asked.
Nasu thought carefully.
"It's because I lied to them about who I was" Nasu said.
"Correct answer, final question, who are you now?" Luke asked.
Nasu closed her eyes then she stripped off her heavy armour revealing a new outfit, a long red coat, tight leather pants and a top that gave her assets some air, she drew out a sword from the hilt of her large hammer and prepared to fight.
"Also the right answer, doesn't matter if you attack me in heavy armour or a princess ballgown, I will fight you the same way, that's how much respect I have for you as a gamer, now then, shall we date?" Luke ready to battle.
Nasu had a big smile on her face, she put on lipstick as well.
"You better not disappoint me then" she said clashing swords with Luke.
Back in New Brunswick, Zoe went to see Jansen about training in rally.
"Hello is this the house of Jansen Mendez?" Before Zoe could call again she was interrupted by a man backflipping into the lounge.
This startled Zoe, she didn't know what to expect from a clearly charismatic man.
"Huh, you are a very tall lady, I was told you were thinking about Rally racing, I'll be your teacher" Jansen shakes Zoe's hand.
Zoe just felt a twinkle in her eye.
She couldn't describe the feeling, but she heard her mother describe the same feeling when she met dad.
The Shark House - Chapter 80 - Corona Tests
With the Bayside Grand Prix looming, nine drivers were gathering the nine Corona cars.
Red Corona Blazing Rose
Ayami was concerned that Zoe wasn't making any progress at all but one session revealed something about her driving style, she was so much better off road driving, this prompted Ayami into making a big decision.
"I'm going to be blunt, you suck at street racing but I saw how well you handled the Subaru on the Gymkhana course, I'm going to send you to train with a friend of mine called Jansen, I'm going to switch Blazing Rose to a Subaru, probably become a group B spec but I like a challenge" Ayami said.
It's a bit of an inconvenience but a necessary evil.
Purple Corona Winter Storm
Nasu and her future self went to see her brother who was setting up for the men's race.
"Not sure what happened to you to end up like that in the future but I'd rather not know what happened to you or to me" Kaito says.
Future Nasu turned her head away to avoid embarrassment, in her future Kaito was never born, this is her first time meeting him.
"The car will need an overhaul, complete that and you can use it" Kaito throws Nasu the keys.
Yellow Corona Lightning Chariot
In the plains of Amboy on a thundery night, Kara Shindo approachs a long haired man sat on a chair outside his house.
"You have something I need" she says.
The man opened his eyes lit up like a demigod.
Black Corona Shadow Fox
Subaru was with flight attendant Haruna Yamato, she's the daughter of the original Haruna Yamato who passed away to illness, Subaru who was her best friend, was reluctant to unlock the shrine to Shadow Fox.
"Once I unlock this, there's no going back, you're the only one I know who can pilot this" Subaru unlocked the last seal. Some demonic looking headlights lit up.
Green Corona Dragon Turtle
In the forest where witches roam lies a tank like mobile home constantly worked on by two people, they are Arturo and Koala Lopez.
"You'll need to race in an actual car this time Koala, bit unfair for us to take a literal tank to the race" Arturo said.
Orange Corona Desert Eagle
Working on information provided by the original owner Kimberley Cohen, the Four Fireborn sisters arrived in Australia to retrieve Desert Eagle, they found it in a barn just off Byron Bay.
"Rock, paper, scissors to see who drives this" the sisters played to see who drives this.
Pink Corona Candy Pebbles
Clarice closed her diner so she could work on Candy Pebbles, more used to city cars, she was trying a dune buggy chassis for the event.
Silver Corona White Assassin
Lisa was brought before Misao by her bodyguard Tsai.
"So you're the reason Kara went off the rails, if you want White Assassin back you'll be racing under my banner, do well and can also use my influence to remove your security tag" Misao offered Lisa.
Lisa knew she would be forced into brand loyalty with Lamborghini but White Assassin was too important to her to ignore Misao's offer.
Blue Corona Aquasonic
Alice having acquired her toy store again also had Aquasonic back in her possession, Darla who used to work for her was surprised about her history with new boyfriend Dave Dreamer.
"You suit him better to be honest Darla. I'm not sure how well a heavy muscle car would handle the Blue Corona system but I don't see you driving anything else better than that old Dodge Charger of yours.
The Shark House - Chapter 79 - The Real Blazing Rose
Lines were being drafted for the upcoming Bayside Cup and Zoe Helkin decided to go to the suburb known as little Quebec to seek out Ayami Cabbot, better known as the former Blazing Rose.
She turned down multiple offers to join the BWI as well as multiple highway teams but the short time she appeared on the Highways, she dominated as the female number one, now retired, Zoe seeked her out to see if she could drive the Red Corona car, Blazing Rose.
Ayami was surprised by how well Zoe had developed but she refused to make it easy for the Greek driver.
"Hellcat, I'm not just going to hand over Blazing Rose to just anyone, you've never made the top ten in any Grand Prix, your last endeavour nearly ended in last place" Ayami says crossing her arms taking off her glasses as she spoke.
Zoe wanted to prove to Kara Shindo that she didn't earn her place through Nepotism.
Ayami just sighed "come to Saint Quentin Aerodrome in New Brunswick, that is where the car currently resides, red corona uses fire as it's base power, if at any point while driving the car you get burned, you will not drive the car anymore and the car will stay put, if you get through the course without a burn, you may use the car"
Zoe's tattoo glowed off the light, she knew this was her only chance.
It wasn't just Zoe who was unlocking a corona car but Nasu as well, she confronted her older brother Kaito about driving Winter Storm especially as rumours circulate about Kara acquiring the Corona car Lightning Chariot, not to mention Darla learning how to drive Aquasonic.
The next day, Zoe arrived in New Brunswick, Ayami gave her a test run in a Nissan GTR, Zoe was doing fine but nothing suggested that she was ready for Blazing Rose, Zoe only had a month to go, she needed Blazing Rose.