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The Shark House - Chapter 54 - Highway Stars

All the race tests came to an end with Warhammer and Dave topping both the female and male leaderboards, but all the ruckus of the festival and all the racing got Dave thinking.
"I've been racing on these Highways for the best part of nine years but I don't even know my rank, I know there's an official top 50 but I've never seen it" Dave thought.
"Really? You Gaijin are all the same, we spend all this time building the greatest racing network in the world and you don't even know your rank?" the young Japanese guy was Bloodhound's son.
"Kosei, back off, a leaderboard doesn't make the driver and stop calling our non-Japanese drivers Gaijin" Bloodhound telling off his son.
The giant man brought up the official rankings, one look made Dave excited as his rank was 4th.
"Nice, but who are the three ahead of me?"
Dave said drinking a coke.
The top two were Warhammer's brother and Joel Helkin, no surprises there but Dave nearly choked on his drink when he saw that Giro Morgan was third.
"There's no way Gaz is faster than me!" Dave shouted using Giro's nickname.
Bloodhound urged calm as his presence was felt, it was clear that he was one of the Eight Masters when Warhammer looked nervous around him.
After some calm, Dave asked about Warhammer's rank.
"I'm fifth last time I checked and please call me Nasu, that is my actual name" Nasu called from under the red Nissan.
The name Nasu refers to many regions in Japan but the most common story from her mother is that she named her after her favourite artist from the group Type Moon.
Dave and Nasu hit it off very well, they bonded over the cars they owned and Nasu mentioned that she tuned all four of her Nissans herself.
It went so well that they both found themselves going out for food, it was clear that the two had chemistry.

The Shark House - Chapter 53 - Cassius Stardust

During race trials, Luke and Giro contacted Dave and Nasu to reveal some information about the creator of Smash Zone.
"You're kidding right? His name is Cassius Stardust? It's like starting a roller coaster and then not doing loops" Dave disappointed in the name.
"Name or not, you'll only get one chance to meet him at the Bayside 1000, he uses Gaijin Trap as a sponsor so you'll get the information on whether or not he's involved" Giro said.
"Nasu, don't be afraid to kick his ass if you have to" Luke encouraged making the Japanese girl nervous.
The two rang off as, Nasu and Dave prepared their cars.
"What is with Glenn and wanting money, he's like You can only be useful if you earn the big bucks only then are you worth your while in Slippy Squad, I have enough to deal with in Bloodhound" Nasu referring to Gaijin Trap's boss Bloodhound.
Dave looked all over the Nissan 370Z with interest.
"I call it Diamond Pegasus, fastest Nissan on the highways" Nasu firing up the engine with a loud roar.
"So Mr Dave, what about your little Black Bull stalker?" Sylvia teased while resting her boobs on his head, making Nasu sigh.
"Sylvia keep those things under control, I know you have no desire for men but that doesn't mean they can be used as a support for your bust" Not the first time Nasu has told Sylvia this.
"But I can't see Emily in the pit area" Sylvia pouted.
"Look alive maggots, the track is ready" Bloodhound spoke loudly and deep.
While Nasu started the test, Dave asked Bloodhound about Cassius.
"I suppose you can call him flamboyant, but despite the looks, he's an Emperor class and has a reputation for cruelty, someone like Razzmatazz is just a pawn to him, we have a couple of weapons in our arsenal, our own drivers plus Hellcat and a little known programmer who works for Firestorm named Delta, he won't know what hit him" Bloodhound offered Dave a drink which he accepted.
"I have high hopes for you, Ramona calls you a Majestic Giant" Bloodhound's comments made Dave blush and go all goofy as the compliment came from one of his favourite people Ramona.

The Shark House - Chapter 52 - Ask Ramona

If Dave wanted answers, the one person who is always willing to listen is Ramona, he headed over to the Helkin lodge at Montfort and there he was greeted by Ramona's huge bust.
"Dave! sweetie! How have you been?" Ramona's hug making it difficult for Dave to breath, once he caught his breath, Dave explained his predicament to her.
"I would leave Lisa to the others, but the girl after your Lamborghini might be a source of information to uncover the identity of Lisa's mafia boss" Dave writes down Ramona's response.
"I wouldn't bother with the Emperor's exam, the election will likely change that system anyway, I also don't think it's wise to leave for a World Tour unless you want Quint to crush all your cars" Dave winched at Ramona's suggestion.
"Aquasonic will get you more money and if this Chinese person is worth their talent, you wouldn't need to lift a finger, same with the Slippy Squad deal, it's not essential for you to be there" Dave likes Ramona's response to that.
"My niece Electra doesn't need help settling regardless what Joel says" Ramona shows her photo causing Dave's jaw to drop.
"It would be a problem if you tried out with Plasma Scorpio, you're a better racer than Zoe, so I wouldn't steal her dreams, but I imagine she still wants to race you so I'd take Gaijin Trap's offer and meet her half way" Dave was afraid Ramona would say that, but it clears things up, but what about Alice?
"She's totally using you to win the election, but I'll wait to see what her move will be, ever since you defeated her, her heart is conflicted, so leave it to her" Dave felt at ease, Ramona hugged him one more time and Dave left to sign up with Gaijin Trap.
Later on, he was announced on the line-up with Warhammer and the American Samurai.
"Oh great more scary women, what is with this story and scary Amazon women?" Dave spoke in fourth wall.
But Dave was in for a surprise when he arrived at Gaijin Trap's garage, to be greeted by two pleasant looking women, a blonde girl with a large bust but a curvy, skinny body and a black haired Japanese girl with small bust and a fit body.
"I am Nasu Hijiri, better known as Warhammer" Nasu bowed politely.
"Your Warhammer? but you're so cute" Dave knew Warhammer was female from what Luke told him but he was expecting another 6ft Amazon woman; Nasu blushed with cherry cheeks from the compliment making the blonde girl laugh.
"That's adorable, I'm Sylvia Bloomfield" the Texan girl responded with a strong accent.
The awkwardness was stopped by a large man entering the room.
"Three Joker class Highway racers, show me what you got" this man was Bloodhound, the owner of Gaijin Trap.
"Umm, I'm an Emperor rank" Nasu corrected.
Bloodhound death stared Warhammer who gave back a similar look.
"Prove it"

The Shark House - Chapter 51 - Dave Dreamer in the Middle

With the wheels of fate turning in motion, Dave Dreamer emerged as an unlikely key person in the hunt for Lisa as well as other dilemmas that have occurred thanks to decisions made by his friends as well as a moral issue of his own on his future with Alice; sat in his favourite diner, he set out a ring box alongside ten letters with different offers.

1. Propose to Alice
This should've been a no brainer until Alice announced her intention to run in next year's mayoral elections, the rumour mill is that she's dating Dave to win favour from the Highways, while Dave thinks it's a load of crap, but he hasn't seen Alice much in the last few weeks, not since he got his Lamborghini for his birthday from her.

2. Aid Barry in stopping the mafia gang behind Lisa's debt
Barry needs a good driver to aid him in busting the mafia bosses behind Lisa to stop Quint from taking her out. If I help him it might clear all of my speeding tickets.

3. Join Slippy Squad in their new contract
Slippy Squad has been hired by Dawn Shriners company to beta test the new VR system following the fallout of Razzmatazz's defeat, money is good but Dawn scares him.

4. Help the new Chaos Engine leader
With Hellcat announcing that she's trying out for the Plasma Scorpio race team, Joel has called his cousin to run the team with Dave helping them settle. Dave knows nothing about them.

5. Tryout for Plasma Scorpio
But Dave also received an invite to tryout for Plasma Scorpio, to turn them down would be a mistake but might ruin his improved relationship with Hellcat.

6. Letter of Challenge from Tokyo Black Bulls
Since getting a Lamborghini, the leader of Tokyo Black Bulls sent a letter of intent to win the pink slip.

7. Develop the Aquasonic
Alice sold the electric car he tested to Dave's engineering firm, they now want him to work on it with an experienced engineer from China.

8. Take the Highways Emperor Exam
An Emperor rank would solve all his problems without having to deal with any of the other issues but it's harder than the Plasma Scorpio audition.

9. Take a sponsor deal with Gaijin Trap
If Plasma Scorpio is a no go, Gaijin Trap will sponsor him to race, it's a good energy drink and Luke likes it as well.

10. Take an Audition for the remake of Barry the Black Vampire Slayer
There's a campaign to remake the edgy cringe film from the early 00s to go up against the spinoff made by a rival studio.

11. Help take down Lisa
If following Barry's idea doesn't work, maybe he should try taking down Lisa himself, he would be a hero for saving his neighbour from being killed.

Dave after all the reading, banged his head on the table for having to read everything for an hour.
"You know Dave, you can always just ignore it all and go on vacation, in fact I've got a world tour lined up that needs some extras to cover the cost, you're a good guy you deserve a break from Bayside" the waitress, a highway driver in her own right called Clarice dropped a 12th option, she knew Dave quite well with the amount of times he ends up in Lakewood Diner after a night shift.

So what will it be Dave Dreamer?

The Shark House - Chapter 50 - Hunters

Quint was preparing to go after Lisa, his mission was very clear, he was only willing to give the runaway one chance to surrender quietly, the situation at odds with Giro's wishes but made it clear he will shoot down Lisa if she decides to fight back, while he was preparing his weapons and car, he could sense someone nearby.
"What do you want Barry?" He asked knowing it was the officer.
"Are you really going to kill Lisa, before you even attempt to stop the mafia that's controlling her?" Barry spoke with concern.
"My mission is getting Lisa back, I suggest you stay off this case unless you want to get caught up in an ugly battle, besides Lisa may not be as innocent as you want her to be" Quint tried to brush off Barry's comments but the officer pressed further, annoying the Shark Hunter.
"Barry, this isn't your crappy action film, don't play a hero when you've finally got a comfortable enough life that you may actually leave Shark House before you die" Quint loading his gun to display some threat, Barry but his hand on Quint's gun.
"Give me one chance to arrest Lisa, I wouldn't forgive myself if I left her to you to decide her fate, you are more likely to shoot her dead than offer her a chance to surrender even if you did keep your word, Roxy would agree with me" Barry keeping a stern approach.
Quint lit a cigarette and sighed, Roxy was Barry's wife but she's been missing since the pandemic, she's also Quint's god daughter. "Yeah she would, you have 72 hours to arrest Lisa, if you fail, you will leave the case immediately and not interfere" Quint threw Barry a pack of cigarettes of a particular brand.
"You can only get that in Nanowolf's territory, better get a move on, Black Vampire Slayer" Quint using Barry's movie name.