The Shark House - Chapter 2 - Part Time Poppy

Outside of Bayside lies the country village of Stardust Meadows, the land definied by Bayside's largest cat shelter owned by the village founders the Meadows family, for the last decade, the Meadows Family's only child Popuri has been the village part timer since her early teens, everything from helping out with post to doing shifts at the cat shelter earning Popuri the nickname Part Time Poppy; to the casual outsider, it looks like Popuri is the village's only worker and everyone is taking advantage of her, but instead it's because no one can keep up with her, her stamina seemingly endless and reflexes much like the cats she helps take care of makes her near super human, her High School athletics records back this up.
After the pandemic and Popuri's University Graduation, the village was struggling to pay Popuri for all her jobs, and her University fees are pretty high, not wanting to be a burden, Popuri remembered how her best friends Alex and Zoe got out of debt through the Shark House. Staying at her friends house for New Years, Popuri was preparing to move to her new home for 2023, however Alex and Zoe were nervous about Poppy's decision.
"Poppy I know we managed to get out but Bayside isn't like Stardust Meadows" Alex a tomboy of Italian descent.
"I know you can work any job Poppy but Shark House is full of weirdos" Zoe a tall delinquent looking woman wearing a large baggy pizza delivery sweater, clearly hiding something.
"I've already got applications lined up, including Gracies Department Store, should only take a year, even less if I get the Gracies job" Popuri a slim athletic built girl playing with her cat Karma. Popuri was also watching highlights of the Gracies Christmas Eve Charity Ball, Popuri loved watching the Ball because it was where her parents met back in 1997, Bayside's top charities as well as the three best employees over the Christmas shopping season get to go but the waiting list to even work for Gracies is ridiculous and most don't even last past Black Friday.
"If you make it to the ball Poppy, I'll do a boudoir photoshoot" Zoe laughed thinking it will never happen, Alex's face however turns bright red at the thought.
Poppy holds her kitty high into the air.
"What do you think Karma? Will I succeed?"
Karma just licking her paw.
