The Shark House - Chapter 3 - The Metro Highway

New Year's Day came and went and Poppy was ready for her start at the Shark House the following night, however to get there, the Metro Highway needed crossing to get into Bayside.
Surrounding the city is a network of highways that covers the whole region, in order to produce revenue at night time since gambling is illegal in Bayside is to give the highways to the street racers and any night workers interested in fast cars, the laws are strict and a special license is required to even participate, since the legislation passed, car related offences were virtually wiped out.
For Poppy, this was a problem as her car was an old Mini given to her by her grandfather, luckily Zoe was a member of the car club Chaos Engines and could run on the Metro at night.
"My brother will deliver your Mini to Shark House, I'll stop by the Chaos Engine club halfway, I know your cat Karma isn't keen on my driving" Karma was just grumpy as Zoe tried to lighten the mood, Zoe was the fastest in the club with her white Subaru Snow White Chaser, however since Scarlet Rider joined, her title has been challenged.
Zoe was halfway to the stop when another club member signalled her to meet at the Chaos Engine stop.
"Damn it Dave, what do you want? There's no meeting til the 7th" Zoe stopped at the service station which served as Chaos Engine's base and got out to confront Dave.
"Dave, the Club meetings don't start til the 7th, check your damn letter box!" Zoe frustrated by Dave.
"I heard from your brother about Scarlet Rider, that she joined us, can I meet her?"
Dave is one of the residents of the Shark House, usually called Dave Dreamer by the club for his lack of financial restraint, he could quite easily leave The Shark House anytime as his role as an Engineer pays enough to live comfortably but he seemingly has a new car every other week.
Zoe just rubbed her head in frustration.
"I said this back before Christmas, she's not ready to come to the car meets yet, plus she does her courier work all night, you ain't going to catch her in that piece of crap, I can barely keep up with that Bimota of hers" Zoe casually chomping on some jerky.
"Oohh is Hellcat scared to be beaten by a biker?" Dave teased Zoe using her nickname.
Zoe just sighed.
"I'm just getting Poppy here to Shark House, I'll smoke your ass later, just don't get too obsessive with Scarlet Rider, remember our code, do not question just drive" Zoe got back in the car while Poppy politely waved to Dave.
"Take my advice Poppy, Dave is the least weird of the Shark House" The two drove off towards the Shark House, Poppy's home for the next year.
