The Shark House - Chapter 4 - The Night Time Coffee House

Popuri's arrival at the Shark House was alot quieter than the Subaru she arrived in, upon entering the Midnight Coffee House where owner Giro worked to obtain her keys and job offers.
Dotted about the Cafe, a number of the other residents were busy in all four corners of the establishment.
A group of middle aged women all with chocolate skin were playing cards, another girl in her 20s dressed in several sweaters in glasses who looked like she hasn't slept in days had several sheets of paper in front of her, she actually stared briefly at Popuri and immediately sent a text on her phone before getting back to work.
On the other side of the Cafe was a security guard talking to Giro's assistant Quint, finally there was a guy with heavy metal style hair tuning a few guitars.
"They're a good group once you get to know them" Giro said signalling Popuri to him.
Popuri looked at all the tenants present in the Cafe, she thought to herself that two of them sounded familiar, the guard and the card player, not that she had met them before but she could've sworn she recognised their voices from somewhere.
Quint walked by and dropped off Popuri's paperwork and her keys.
"Can we maybe cheer up a bit, we don't want to scare off our latest tenant" Giro deliberately speaking loud so all the tenants could hear.
Popuri just gave a smile and looked over her job offers.
Job 1 - Posting mail near the beach regions of Bayside.
Job 2 - Polly Parrot's Pizza Emporium needs a new victim/night time worker.
Job 3 - Quarter Bros Arcade needs an assistant to help with the post Christmas rush.
Popuri was doing mail runs back in her home village so delivering mail she was saving until her Mini was ready and it's probably too soon to do night work especially at a rambunctious place like Polly Parrots so she looked at the Quarter Bros Arcade, she used to go there as a kid back when her mother was still working at Gracies.
She signed all three and wrote down starting dates for all three starting with the Arcade and ending with the Pizza Emporium with the mail run in the middle.
She finished her tea and went up to her new apartment.
Quint filed away the paperwork and lit another cigarette.
"You mention about us scaring her away but these job posts are evil" Quint wondering about Giro's choices.
"You obviously don't know this girl's reputation, you'll see how quickly she'll turn the worst jobs in Bayside into something wonderful" Giro cleaning Popuri's cup.
