The Shark House - Chapter 5 - Quarter Bros Arcade

Bayside has a unique history in that it's addicted to competition, everything from the arcades to the rampant speed races on the surrounding highways, Bayside will always find something worth competing for, Popuri arrived at the Quarter Bros Arcade expecting to see the quirky little arcade from her youth, now it's a multi-story technology park run by pro gamers and influencers, a little intimidated by the loud noises and constant flashing lights, Popuri went to the staff area to prepare for her first shift, her only job is to assist tech support and make sure customer pay cards are working properly and maybe give out the occasional prize.
When Popuri finally got on her break, she looked through her bag to find her original Quarter Bros Arcade ID but it looked so tattered she had to go get it changed, luckily another Shark House resident worked here, his name was Freddy and he worked technical support.
"Sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you Poppy, I was busy with team drafts this month so I've had to work late" Freddy looked as scruffy as Quint except Quint grew up in the 70s, Freddy looked like he barely tries.
"Thankfully your fingerprint still works, everything is on your new card, give it a try on a game" Freddy handed back Poppy's card.
Popuri looked for a game and found one she used to play, booting up her card, her username "Popful Kitty" appeared and quickly got started, she was playing an old bullet hell shoot-em-up called Witch Hunt, as she played, all her memories of the game came back as the movement of the joystick got faster and faster with each stage, her performance was starting to attract attention from nearby gamers, some were whispering loudly, many pointing out that Poppy hadn't been hit by a single bullet.
A blonde woman not much older than Popuri in a black long coat and sunglasses was also taking notice.
"I never seen anyone no hit clear Witch Hunt before, hey helpdesk, what's her username?" The blonde woman startled Freddy who was in awe of Poppy's skills.
"Um, Popful Kitty, she hasn't played in 18 years but her records are incredible, I've only ever seen Razzmatazz with such high score history" Freddy went deeper into Poppy's history.
The crowd cheered when Poppy cleared the game and nailed the best score by a country mile.
The blonde woman walked up to Poppy and declared "I challenge you to a Smash Zone Battle"
Popuri startled by the request.
"I should probably get back to work my break is over" Popuri was about to leave when the main stage lit up with Popful Kitty vs Firestorm.
"Looks like the boss approves, I'll give you a few minutes to set up your fighter" The blonde woman walked over to her booth.
Popuri baffled by how fast things were going struggled to understand the situation but since the boss approved it, she must go through with it.
